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Everything posted by Droidy365

  1. I would honestly like to see a nice and simple click-and-drag interface, where you can easily move different effects to different spots without having to manually type it all out the Coordinates. Something else that would be good is being able to rotate the effects around the origin point. Thanks
  2. @the_raven If you're thinking of using a ported model for the contest, don't. 1: It has to be your content. 2: Porting is a big no-no in the Downloads section. However, if it's not ported, then that's perfectly fine That being said, it's still not yours, either.
  3. 29 downloads

    This is a rather simple mod that changes the Flags in Capture the Flag to say "Happy Chinese New Year" in English and Chinese, I made this for the Chinese New Year's contest, wish me luck
  4. I myself use Pakscape, but 7-Zip, WinRar, WinZip and other things like that will work too
  5. Also, now I can't find KotF to download it...... Is it being updated or something? EDIT: I found it lol. https://jkhub.org/topic/10309-knights-of-the-force-is-reborn/ Weapons.dat is located in KotF/KotF_Weapons.pk3/ext_data/
  6. I'd say the fix would be to go into KotF's weapons.dat and replace this line: weaponmodel models/weapons2/jawa/jawa_gun.md3 With this line: weaponmodel models/weapons2/noweap/noweap.md3 Use Ctrl + H to Find/Replace it.
  7. I'd like to see T7 skins from SWTOR as alternate skins, myself.
  8. Is there an NPC that uses the Jawa Gun in KotF? There's an unused Jawa Gun weapon in JKA that was never finished, and no NPCs should ever have it unless it's told to look for a different model in weapons.dat.
  9. As far as I know, that's all it does - it makes them actually go towards the enemy, as they're trying to hunt it down.
  10. If you spawn an NPC with a nickname, you'll be able to control that NPC. E.g: /npc spawn stormtrooper bob /control bobAnd to regain control of yourself: /control If you use this mod, you can change some things about Bob's behaviour, too. A useful way to get a camera: Put this in a *.cfg file cg_draw2d ! weapon 0 cg_thirdperson 0 wait 3 noclip When dealing with NPCs, it's useful to use these commands, too: god notarget g_npcfreeze ! "g_npcfreeze !" will toggle frozen NPCs I hope this helped
  11. Also, in GTK Radiant, there are NPC AI scripts built in. I solved the problem of NPCs in the sideline by having them use the "huntkill" script to hunt down the enemy and kill them.
  12. Lol Rip. If you want, you can bump that one
  13. That's great! That part works perfectly! Now there's a few questions left: How do you do the same thing for the player?How do you get the explosion effect to play where they were when they died? (effects/sao/death_sparks.efx)Can this just be done within the script, or does it require coding?Thanks again, it works great!
  14. Also, not hijacking your thread or anything, but I just thought I'd put the model to good use Anyone know what this is meant to be? I've been working on it for a while It is still a WIP, though.
  15. Also, something worth mentioning - NPCs aren't exactly team players at the moment. I spawned 20 NPCs to help me fight a mutant_rancor, and over half of them were just sitting in the sidelines doing absolutely nothing. Perhaps someone could fix this for KotF and JKA via coding?
  16. Actually, I turned off the Slow-Mo Camera Spin, and now it's a lot quicker - not instant, but quicker. But the question still remains - how will we get the effect to play as they die? Are either of you two good at coding? Thanks, again btw EDIT: Also, on a side note: How would you make a Team Icon appear like in MP and a custom health-bar that works like cg_debughealthbars and Force Sense? These are also for my Sword Art Academy mod lol. I have 3 Icons for 3 teams: gfx/misc/cursor_g (TEAM_PLAYER) gfx/misc/cursor_o (TEAM_NEUTRAL/FREE) gfx/misc/cursor_r (TEAM_ENEMY)
  17. Ok, I have a few questions. For starters: How do you set up the parm1 command stuff? lol
  18. Ignore this one here, it's a double post lol. Just keep scrolling......
  19. I find this interesting, because I was working on a Crait Map today, and I used the Hoth Skybox. When I did so, it had the Void (Hall of Mirrors) effect.
  20. Hello? Anyone there? I'm bumping this again, because it somehow got buried underneath other posts enough to disappear from the New Content page...... EDIT: @@Noodle @@Langerd Could either of you two help? Thanks guys
  21. Except if it was kickstarted, it would probably get a C&D from Disney/EA.
  22. Huh, that's pretty cool. I'd like to see more things like this
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