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Everything posted by Droidy365

  1. Well, there's a map on Movie Battles II where you have to survive a bunch of crap from Ragnos. It's pretty fun and very unique. MBII in general works kinda like that, where it's like Counter Strike, where you die and have to wait till the end of the round. You either win by completing objectives or by killing the other team's players, but this map makes it into a survival mode. It's called um_ragnosbattle
  2. 3spoopy5me But in all seriousness, you did an amazing job with this map. The map I'm working on won't be as good as this, sadly
  3. Okay, so I haven't made any progress with this thing whatsoever. Nothing I tried has worked... That being said, I don't know anything about scripting XD I already have the script - it's running it when the map starts that's the problem :/
  4. Perfect cutoff. 10/10 - IGN
  5. Okay, here's my NPC so far: It works great! Only problem I'm having now, is the script - I want it to basically use the command "runscript steve follow_player" when I start up the map. How would I do this in Radiant? Thank you very much for your help, by the way
  6. Hmm, he seems to be CLASS_REBORN, so it's probably hard coded... I might have to change his name to "DKothos" or something.
  7. Imma bump this... Sorry if I'm being annoying lol...
  8. Hey guys, I've recently made a mod for Manual Blocking in BaseJA using the +Block command, but I'm thinking about editing some code. These are the things I want to do: Make Swinging take Force EnergyMake Kicking take a lot of Force Energy (possibly all energy)Make Running gradually take Force Energy, you must walk.Make Blocking give you Force EnergyIf you don't have enough Force Energy, you can't swing, you must blockIf possible, I also want NPCs to block sometimesMaybe make g_autoblocking and +block work for MultiplayerIf possible, maybe make it so that these things only happen if g_autoblocking is set to 0I'm attempting to learn how to code at the moment. For now, I just want to know how to do something like this and be pointed in the right direction. Obviously, this is inspired by MBII, but it is clearly different, too. I don't even know if I have everything installed in the right place or anything, so there's probably gonna be some errors. If it's somehow possible to just do this with a script instead of code, than that'll be even better (I honestly have no idea how to do either.)
  9. Hmm... I have actually been curious of this myself, but with blaster models, such as the Bryar. As for the character models, that would probably depend on what size you want them to be. I honestly have no idea if this is possibly or not lol.
  10. Damn @@Langerd, that's awesome!
  11. Okay. If I recall correctly, there's a follow script in this mod. I'll probably combine this with my current NPC - steve_spoopy. EDIT: Okay, I can't seem to get the spawnscript to work, and he's not turning his flashlight on by default.
  12. Hey guys, I need help with something - I want to make an NPC like what the title says. I want this because I want to make an NPC that holds @@Langerd's flashlight while the player walks around - empty handed. Thanks guys.
  13. I am really looking forward to this, as this would be perfect for the map I'm making.
  14. Great! You could actually release it as a contest entry.
  15. I'd personally like to see a new version of the DLT-20A. One with actual holes in it and a half decent FPV, no offence to whoever made the original model.
  16. Thanks, I think lol. It was heavily inspired by MB2. As for the JK2 side of things, that was mostly unintentional, but it's still somewhat inspired by it lol. I think it's a combination of the slightly slower saber attacks, the Reborn and possibly even Bespin, despite it being a JK3 map. So, should I release it? If so, should I make an extra PK3 that replaces the base NPCs to use this sort of style? If so, (again) should I give everyone Single Sabers? And should I include the music for that map?
  17. autoexec.cfg does what it says on the tin - it automatically executes when you load a map. It's one of the workarounds for the write protection. If you type g_sabermorerealistic without any value, it'll probably say that it is set to 3.
  18. Hmm, the new effects could be done quite easily... Of course, I'm not a modeller, but I can probably help
  19. I think that what I've made here may or may not help you Single-Player only. When I make a readme/make it less "confusing" I may release it. @@godofcrap42
  20. Welp, It's a bit late lol. It did actually fix the buttons, but the camera's still a bit buggy. I still can't click off of it, and I still can't click on brushes while using it. I've at least learned that I can just open Textures to get out of it, but that doesn't really make it any less of a pain.
  21. Hey, I know this thread is kinda old, but may I please get a copy of it, too @@Langerd? The link doesn't work :/
  22. I think have a GeForce GTX 1050 Ti graphics card if that means anything. I'm not really an expert with this sort of thing lol. EDIT: Actually, I seem to be having this problem with GIMP too.
  23. Hey guys, I've recently installed Radiant 1.6.5 on my new computer that's Windows 10, instead of Windows 7. Now, in order to get this thing to even START, I had to run it with Windows XP Service Pack. Then, I'd been having trouble with clicking on things. Whether it's a button, or something else, I always have trouble. Eventually, I needed to use the camera, as you do, when you're mapping. Once I right-clicked on it, I COULD NOT click back out of it! I had to use Alt + F4 to get out. This is obviously a REALLY big problem for a mapper. I need to fix this soon, because I want to enter for the Halloween Contest. Please help. Also, my mouse is NOT the problem. It works in everything else just fine. It's the program.
  24. Well, I did just make a texture, but I'm not sure if it'll be any good...
  25. I hope I'm not being too annoying/repetitive, but I really do need to find this animation/pose.
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