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Everything posted by Droidy365

  1. The command to use force push is "force_throw" without quotes
  2. Holy crap, that looks awesome!
  3. @@Pickles256 I've actually turned this into a proper mod, and it's currently awaiting approval
  4. @@godofcrap42 THE FILE IS AWAITING APPROVAL! Woot woot, I guess.
  5. 2,592 downloads

    This is a mod that I made to use Manual Blocking, without needing any code or big mods, like MBII. This mod includes replaced animations to suit Manual Blocking better, and a test NPC called the Reborn Duelist. There is a tutorial.txt file, or there's the same thing in this spoiler, because reasons: NOTE: This mod will ONLY work in Single Player! It will NOT work in Multiplayer! Feel free to use this how you want, just give me credit. I mostly made this mod because @godofcrap42 requested it (10/10 name, btw) There were some other reasons as well, of course. Hope you enjoy
  6. Maybe you could have Sonic-style floaty air bubbles? lol.
  7. This might help, not too sure though. It might be a different issue to what you're talking about.
  8. Yes, this idea is very much like GMod's Prop Hunt, as well as other games. I'm honestly surprised that this has never been done for this game before.
  9. Hello, I was wondering if someone could get most of the suitable map_objects from Base JKA and make them playable in Multiplayer. Similar to what this mod does, but having it work in MP as well. Something else that would be good is a Prop Rotation Lock feature. Eventually, I'd like to make this into a Siege/MB2 style thing, (sort of) where there are (obviously) two teams: Props/Hiders and Hunters/Seekers. Props/Hiders would have: A DEMP 2 (Low ammo)A Blaster Pistol10 Laser TrapsMeleeMind Trick 2Jump 3Protect 3Speed 2Heal 1Sense/Sight 3100 Health20 ArmourHunters/Seekers would have: A LightsaberA Disruptor (High Ammo)Jump 1250 HealthIf a Hunter/Seeker kills a Prop/Hider, the killed player will swap teams. If a Prop/Hider kills a Hunter/Seeker, they will respawn after 10 seconds. You know how it works. I'm not sure if the Prop/Hider should be able to change to a different prop after they've been seen or not. Please let me hear your ideas and comments about this idea. Feel free to comment your own ideas, or (preferably) help out with the modelling (and maybe even menus and other stuff). Thanks a million.
  10. That's because the default saber is the Reborn's saber. It's trying to find sabers that don't exist, so it just gives you two Reborn sabers
  11. You mean "bind x saber single_1 single_1"
  12. The /control command works like mindtrick 4, but lasts forever.
  13. @@The4thRemnant Hey, it's been a few days, and I just thought I'd check on you. How are things going?
  14. Sorry, not sorry
  15. Ah ok, that's perfectly understandable. I hope you have a Merry Christmas
  16. "Kyle Katarn can carry as many weapons as he wants to, no matter how damn heavy they are."
  17. Hmmm, I'm guessing that would only work on a map I specifically made for the mod? I would prefer it if it worked on any and all maps, as well as all players/NPCs, but if that's not really possible, I could try giving this a shot. How would I get it to check for all players and NPCs, and how would I make the explosion? Thanks EDIT: One more thing: How do I run a script when the map starts? I want to run sao/kill_check.ibi, which should then run sao/killed.ibi.
  18. May I please have those models if they're mostly finished? I really would like to have these
  19. Hey guys, I'm wondering how I can make corpses instantly disappear, while having a sort of explosion as they die. I want this to happen with all NPCs and Players that die. This is going to be for my Sword Art Academy mod. Unfortunately, g_corpseRemovalTime isn't quick enough, as I need it to be instant. If at all possible, I would prefer to do this without coding, because I can't code for crap, thanks
  20. This looks awesome so far! A few nitpicks, though: 1: It's spelled "Wookiee" (as I said, nitpicks) 2: I always thought Death Sticks were highly addictive and highly deadly. Possibly more deadly and addictive than Spice? 3: Not everyone just plays with WASD, but I do see what you mean Those are just my nitpicks, though.
  21. Does it say it's a read only file?
  22. I think everyone forgot about this... Kualan did it himself. However, that's not to put everyone down. It's great to see things like this
  23. If you don't mind me asking - progress report?
  24. Wait... How did you try them out ingame? Have they already been ported?
  25. Hey, I've recently started working on a mod called Sword Art Academy, and I was wondering if you could port some playermodels and weapons from this Sword Art Online game. Specifically, these three models. Plus some more, later. Thanks I'll probably ask a more experienced porter some time in the future, but I'm sure you'll do well
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