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Everything posted by Droidy365

  1. Sure, go right ahead! You can give credit if you want, but you don't have to. Also, on a side note, I really enjoyed your Cloud City mission, looking forward to the full version
  2. Well, I made two *.cfg files that toggles manual blocking. Block0: This one disables it, but I have MOUSE3 set to lightning, usually. Block1: This one enables it, but it also makes me unable to use lightning the way I usually do. Obviously, you can change the different keys to suit you better
  3. On line 64, it says seta g_dismemberprobabilities "40" You could try changing it to "75" or, if you want someone to always get dismembered, you could try "100" Also, there's one that says seta g_dismember "1000" and another one that says seta g_dismemberment "3" Could these be conflicting with each other? I hope this helped Edit: I just found out those two commands do different things lol. But I think that g_dismember "1000" actually disables it. Try "2" I found this on the Model Dismemberment Tutorial.
  4. Nice lol. I recently watched that episode, I've been binge-watching it.
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