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Everything posted by Droidy365

  1. Well, just a little something I noticed is that it says @@weaponx_NAMES Rather than @ WEAPON_NAMES Now, this might sound stupid, but did you accidentally copy/paste that in your script? Keep in mind that I don't know crap about scripting lol. BTW the damn thing auto-corrects @ WEAPON to @@weaponx. Sorry about the pings, weaponx
  2. NOTE: This is not a model, this is just a picture I made: That being said, this might be a good start.
  3. How to search for animations? In the old ModView, you could use Ctrl + F to search for animations.
  4. 40 downloads

    This is a skin that I made that changes the Rebel's outfit to look like Han Solo's outfit. I'm actually quite happy with how this turned out. I mostly made this for anyone who might want to frankenstein, or add a new head onto this model. Feel free to use this however you want, just give me credit
  5. I think the problem is WP_BOT_LASER. I used that weapon for a Jango Fett NPC, and it sometimes bugged out, too.
  6. This looks great so far! One problem I found, though, was the Z-Fighting in this room, here: It's an easy enough fix (in fact, I actually took a peak in your *.map file): Find the BlueprintClick on itFind it on the grid plane (View/Filter/Models to find it easier)Set the grid size to Grid0.25Zoom inMove it up 1 little tiny squareDone. Sorry if this was an unnecessary tutorial, lol. I mean, you do seam to be a very talented Mapper, so yeah. FYI I do have a pretty damn good PC, and I have Dynamic Glow turned on, if that helps.
  7. It could be broken, it needs to be a mono track and it needs to be 4100 Htz, I think. Lol, it's mostly because this is a fairly new PC, and I mostly mod JK3. Still, I'd love to get around to doing it some time
  8. I currently don't have JK2 installed at the moment, but in JK3, there's a *.wav file called "lightning2.wav" which seems to be the loop file. I'd imagine it would be something like that in JK2, I don't see why they would change that sort of thing.
  9. In SWBF2, Imperial Heavy has the DLT-19, while the Imperial Specialist (Sniper) had the DLT-19X.
  10. I'm guessing it's also based on SWBF2's Theed, as well?
  11. Ah okay, so could anyone help me out with the coding? BTW I can't get CMake to work, so that sucks.
  12. Okay, so I'm probably gonna need to see your textures. Are the file paths right? Are the dimensions correct? Is the shader done right? I think you might actually have too much going on in that shader, too. Sometimes, when I make shaders that have too much going on, the texture and the shader just give up. Here's a few shaders from Byss: I believe you've attempted to combine these two into one shader, or something like that. Try just editing the first shader for the glowy bits, don't worry about the second one, for now, anyway. EDIT: I might actually attempt to make one for you, actually.
  13. I, myself, would like to see the Last Jedi, but I can see why someone wouldn't. TFA was crap IMO, Rogue One was a little better - I actually found some parts to be quite funny (I think that's what TFA was missing, too serious, no comedy relief as well as no original plot.)
  14. Oh yeah, fair point. But you do see why I thought that lol.
  15. Damn I am REALLY looking forward to this
  16. You see, I'm not really sure how many NPCs are in the map. I'm pretty sure there aren't any NPCs near me. I'm testing on kor2, sometimes kor1.
  17. Oh ok. Do you know anyone who has, by chance?
  18. Hey guys, I'm having a problem with Dynamic Music (as the title points out) since I made a replacement. I've made changes to the dms.dat file to get the song to play how I want it to. That's fine. The problem is that after I finish a fight, the action music takes ages to stop playing again. This is quite annoying, to say the least. The action music mp3 file is about 6 minutes long, but I don't really want to change the file unless I REALLY have to. Please help, thanks.
  19. Sadly, I couldn't get my map finished in time. It's still no-where near finished, either. Oh well. In a way, that's probably for the better. It's better to have a half decent map that took a year to make than some crappy rushed map that's worse than Jar Jar's breakfast
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