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Everything posted by BenSolo

  1. This is so beautiful. Have you thought about making a Rebels version?
  2. Hmm... The Last Jedi. Sounds so dark as a movie title doesn't it? We shall see.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Cerez


      If they title the last movie The Chosen One, then when you mention the movies in a sequence, you end up with a comprehensive sentence for the trilogy's main plot: The Force Awakens The Last Jedi and The Chosen One. :D

    3. Archangel35757


      I did not discover that... read about some theories.

    4. Cerez


      Fair enough. *shrugs* :|

  3. Another great concept art, this time the "Don't choke on your own aspirations" scene ​
  4. Great to see this taking off, amazing work, Xplicit!
  5. What Vader looks like in the Bacta Tank concept art.
  6. ​Another fine looking concept art, this time from Starwarsnews.net:
  7. That's okay I'm more of a SP kinda player. Hope in the update you can add npc support.
  8. Doesn't work for me, can't spawn. I've typed npc spawn kanan and playermodel kanan and it still doesn't work, am I doing it wrong?
  9. Sample from The Empire Strikes Back concept art and Rogue One concept art (art shows early ideas of Bast Castle originally being located around lava.) Bast Castle was meant to be in Empire Strikes Back, but the idea got scrapped. Until Legends, and now in Rogue One also
  10. Both actually, no names and hilts but they do show up in MP. Weird as.
  11. I installed it and it only works in MP. Do you know if you can fix that please? The hilts won't show up on the SP Menu for me. Thanks.
  12. Niiiiice. Can I still use the Circa pack with this though?
  13. Hey everyone just want to make a request. I have just seen Rogue One and I really loved it and some of the locations (one in particular) interested me a lot. (WARNING: If you haven't seen it and don't want spoilers, please do not read on.) Okay, so the one I saw (which I was so excited to see because it's actually apart of the Legends and the JKIII game) was Bast Castle on Mustafar, Vader's sanctuary which he goes to meditate and/or try to heal himself. In the original canon, it was based on the acid rain planet of Vjun. However I preferred this change to Mustafar and even the exterior and interior looks better, darker and more detailed. I really would love to explore this as a map and I do believe someone will make it eventually. Anyone interested to make it please comment as I'd like to hear your ideas. Thanks for listening and may the Force be with you. P.s I know we can't really get a good idea of the interiors/designs properly until the film comes out on DVD/Blu-Ray, but I am willing to wait by then, as long as it gets made! BenSolo
  14. BenSolo

    TIE Striker

    Rogue One mods are sweet. Can't wait to see more when the film is out.
  15. Amazing! Can't wait to see more awesome maps from you!
  16. This map looks so extensive and awesome, it is worthy of downloading. Keep these awesome maps coming people!
  17. This would actually be really usefull for the Force Awakens conversion mod. Well done!
  18. No problem, I'll look up the process but since he nor I don't know how to make weapon mods yet I will help out as much as I can AFTER the contest. Hope you win bro.
  19. Quick question, my friend actually wants this for Fallout 4, could you make that possible?
  20. Much better. Thanks! Btw I totally agree with the bolts being green is weird and unoriginal, have you got a good bolt replacement link you'd recommend?
  21. Power. Unlimited power.
  22. Amazing. Question: do you know a really good and simple, straightforward tutorial to make skins for JA using 3d programs etc.?
  23. This is amazing and so beautiful... I wonder if someone will create a fan made Jedi Academy based off the one that Luke has before Force Awakens.
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