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Everything posted by Onysfx

  1. I solved my openGL problem. No more need for GLdirect for JKA, I can now play minecraft, and run so many other programs that I've been unable to run for 5 years....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Xycaleth


      That's still odd that you have to replace opengl32.dll in system32 with *anything* :( It should be your graphics drivers that keeps that file up to date.

    3. Onysfx


      You would think so wouldn't you? But yet updating my graphics drivers next kept that up to date...

    4. Barricade24
  2. Onysfx


    Soon enough, we'll all stop using chrome xD.
  3. They aren't going to ruin battlefront. If they are taking time to actually travel to the film locations just to capture the epicness of it, that says something.\ But for the most part, Microsoft E3 and Ubisoft sucked. Nintendo E3 was awesome though.
  4. Seen this over 4 times already xD. Still stand by my opinion .
  5. Tried to run KOTOR again, this time with DEP off. Failed again...I'm not ever going to try playing it again on this laptop...

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Onysfx


      Well, that's not exactly what happened, it just made me remember the times when people would be sarcastic to me, I stupidly agreed with them, only to get the response "You idiot, I was being sarcastic"...ok just forget everything I said xD.

    3. Ping


      Onysfx, kotor is the bestest of games, so make sure to invest great efforts into getting it to run. You will not be disappointed!

    4. Onysfx


      I've tried 3 times. I mean, I tried over 50 times, but I reinstalled the game 3 times over the past 2 years attempting to get it to run. When I have a computer that can run it (my computer does not support opengl at all), I shall run it.

  6. The voice is off a decent amount, it's pronounced "powah", but your timing on the syllables and vowels was very well done. But....
  7. Ah. Don't feel bad, my old laptop had 256MB of RAM, and it ran JKA just fine (couldn't run MBII though, wouldn't load the maps fast enough).
  8. Playing Coop of Dark Forces II with some friends. Jesus, Yun was hard.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. NumberWan


      @Onysfx - Do you mean you installed some mods for DF2? I would like to know more about that. =)

    3. Onysfx


      @NumberWan private message me for any info and links you want to know, I'd be glad to help. And perhaps if you're interested, you could play coop with my friends and I sometime.

    4. NumberWan


      @Onysfx That's interesting. Thanks!

  9. Interview Scooper, the co-founder of Makermod (don't know what else to call him, other than developer xD).
  10. These are very good, and should be in MBII. I'll be asking the devs about this...
  11. To anyone who isn't doing so well on whatever it may be:

  12. Love the republic cruiser! Does that hanger have a explorable interior?
  13. Very cool xD. Now Scooper...about makermod...it can't huld on much longah...
  14. Does anyone visit other peoples profiles just to get a good look at their avatar, or to see who else recently visited it?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bacon


      I can see them just fine with my zoom


    3. Bek
    4. katanamaru


      I do.

      For other reasons...

  15. Seen this many many years ago. Still makes me laugh .
  16. This is hands down the craziest video I've seen in 2014 so far. Even crazier than smosh.
  17. One map I have got to download and explore again is Atlantica. That map expanded my imagination.

  18. Nope. Mainly because the first time I tried using it I got the JKA blackscreen issue again, and although I found a way around that to use openJK properly, I still haven't used it ever since.
  19. They all come back eventually...it is unavoidable. It is their destiny...
  20. Onysfx


    @@Kaus Ya, Nar Shaddaa roof tops was hard.
  21. UNLIMITED PO- oh it's 11:24 PM...I, I, I, I-can't, huld on any longah...

  22. This is hilarious xD. But also...a pretty good idea, would be useful for RPers .

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Flynn


      That whole story arc was only set out in one or two comics, so they could be considered less-than-canon compared to the books

    3. Onysfx


      I agree, I also am a fan of the EU, at first I thought they were just getting rid of post episode 6 EU, which kinda sucks, but I only have read pre episode 6 EU, so I didn't feel the connection as much as other people. But when lucas said all the EU was non canon...well...that just saddens me :(.

    4. Flynn


      Some of the post-6 EU is really good, the era from about 5-25 years ABY is the best, and will also likely be completely discarded :((

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