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Everything posted by Onysfx

  1. I've been talking to fellow MBII'rs, and I can say, episode VII has a lot of mixed reactions, a majority negative it seems. A lot of people are hating on the saber.
  2. Playing through Deus Ex...good game so far.

    1. IrocJeff


      I enjoyed it quite a bit. Invisible War, the second one, is also quite good.


      Deus Ex was the first game I bought when I had my 32MB video card.

    2. z3filus


      which Deus Ex game ?


    3. Barricade24


      If you're playing the first one your in for quite a treat. This game is indeed one of the best I've played.

  3. Onysfx

    Secret Santa 2014

    Give me some time to think about this...I don't have much modding experience, but I want to make something special this year...hmmm...
  4. Atlantica. Beautiful map. Heck, probably the biggest in JKA, besides perhaps midgar. There are so many maps I want to list here, but it would take me over half an hour and don't want to spend that time atm .
  5. Wow very nice! Would look beautiful with rend2.
  6. Ya xD. Well, I would give this theory: Perhaps that is a new form of training for the empire, as well, the stormtrooper helmets make it impossible to see/aim anyway. EDIT: If you watch near the end of the video I posted, you'll see a little trailer for the next episode. Hera and Sabine find Rydonium (think that's how it's spelled), as well according to another video, a crashed republic gunship in the hanger. Could this possibly mean Gregor returning?
  7. This is a small review of episode 5, which just came out today, if you haven't seen it, beware of spoilers. Regardless, I just wanted to share this because it gives some insight between the differences of clones and stormtroopers.
  8. Onysfx


    Welcome to jkhub! Aaah.... (Too lazy to copy and paste the palpy pic)
  9. I heard DICE is including a 3rd person view optionally, so veterans can still use that.
  10. Heh, I actually updated my gfx drivers via the catalyst myself. It actually screwed things up even more. That's why I didn't suggest it, but good job @@Merek in doing so anyways! But that's just me, glad it worked for you! I swear the jedi are taking ovah my computer...
  11. Knew someone would ask about this. Was only a matter of time . But the question is, what model would be worth making first? (A reskinned R5 would be easiest to make for chopper)
  12. Very nice. This should be in MBII, even though barely anyone plays deathstar FA.
  13. @ Fatal error? Can you screenshot that for us? It could also be DEP protection that is stopping it, but I'm not 100 percent sure...
  14. Heh, the opengl32.dll that came with my machine didn't work at all, I deleted it. I know what your thinking, you idiot! Nope...it DID NOTHING. I couldn't run anything that used opengl, the program would either crash, or not render at all. I downloaded the latest version on the web, put it in the system32, and wallah, opengl stuff works now. @ If you have both the opengl32.dll in your gamedata and the GLdirect on, it might not work. Please listen. I had the exact same problem as you. I have an ATI radeon x1200. First, remove the opengl32.dll out of your gamedata folder. Then, if you have GLDirect installed, find the exe and open it. In the settings, click the box/circle that says Hardware. Then, in the box above that, click it and select "SciTech GLDirect OpenGL Non-Shader Driver". Then try running JKA. Works for me, hope it will work for you.
  15. Wasn't referring to you, was looking at the youtube comments on that video .
  16. Just looked at old threads, apparently I won the JKHub mascot, which means, I have to make that palpatine montage. I'll see what I can do :).

  17. God dammit I gotta stop visiting this thread, it's spoiling my episode VII experience!
  18. I am saddened that so many people still believe that this old WIP build of battlefront is the one DICE is working on...CMON!!! SURELY YOU CAN DO BETTAH!
  19. Seen something just like this a few years ago, except it was for PC. EDIT: I know you know this @@Stoiss, but for anyone who thinks this is pre alpha gameplay of the one DICE is working on, you are sadly mistaken, this is free radicals battlefront III before they went bankrupt.
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