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Everything posted by Onysfx

  1. I wish with the rancor area, you went into the mouth xD. That would be cool.
  2. Not a surprise the feminist movement ties into all this yet again...
  3. This website, jkhub.org, and jkhub.net, are really the only active ones now (yes, oddly enough jkhub.net is still active, the last post I saw was on april 9th or 15th I think).
  4. @@DarkForcesII Welcome to the forums! Funny you're name is Dark Forces II, my friends and I were yesterday just playing co-op on it xD.
  5. I won't be getting it because I don't own a PS4, an Xbone, and my PC certainly isn't powerful enough. My gfx card doesn't support shader model 3.0....and only supports openGL 2.1. Nope, I won't be running it that's for sure xD.
  6. Since 2009 for me. Discovered smash bros characters fighting eachother with lightsabers on youtube, found out the game was Jedi Academy. That's why I got it. Then I discovered makermod, became a builder for many years, played through dark forces I, II, and jedi outcast, and since then have been part of the JK community for quite some time . P.S: I used to be a crazy palpatine fan by the way, even more so than I was before I joined JKHUB. EDIT: UNLIMITED POWAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
  7. I don't like this idea at all. There should be a donation button, so people can donate to the modders so they can make more content, but forcing people to pay for it, especially when valve gets 75 percent of it....no...please no!
  8. @@NumberWan Oh my god, so much content, WHY DIDN'T THEY FINISH THIS .
  9. Bot support and local splitscreen confirmed, for all the haters out there... https://twitter.com/EAStarWars/status/590523591000625154https://i.imgur.com/kjHOaKN.jpg
  10. J.J Abrams did a pretty good job on Cloverfield and Fringe, and despite not being a big fan of star trek, he still did a great reboot (even if star trek critics were disappointed). He loves star wars so much, and I think he is the perfect guy for the job. Some guy on MBII I talked to said JJ Abrams will screw it up. I asked him who should direct it instead, and he said Christopher Nolan.... :/. EDIT: So many haters these days, it's just nearly impossible to fight them all off.
  11. Very nice video! It's nice that they put a lot of thought into the character development of the series.
  12. Can anyone recommend me any good star wars games or books to play/read? (Not Kotor or TOR, can't play either of those)

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. minilogoguy18


      Yeah, KotOR 2 really is the best SW game, especially if you get the restored content mod.

    3. Cerez


      Not story-based, but The Battle of Yavin and The Battle of Endor are a lot of fun: http://www.bruneras.com/games_swboy.php


    4. katanamaru


      The Super Star Wars games emulated from the SNES. They are like Contra with lightsabers.

      My favorite SW books are the Darth Bane trilogy. I'll speed read them by just reading his and Zannah's parts.

  13. A dev diary! That's nice of them . EDIT: After watching....meh, heard it before.
  14. Yep, always will still be here. I know TuskenK still plays Makermod from time to time, and he informed me Gareikn got his server up once a few days ago. As for spior, he's uninstalled JKA from what I understand. It would be nice to make Makermod into something more, combining the best aspects of lugor, makermod, and japlus to make an ultimate RP/build/fun mod for everyone. And to prevent it from becoming a pure RP mod, insure that regardless of the admin level, everyone has the ability to place objects. JKA is dying. Ya, well, it's still here and it's been friggen years since I last played makermod. And yet I got a request for the files about a month ago. So clearly there is still interest, regardless of how little. I guess @@Scooper has been busy with other things, would still be nice to see these features coded in one day. If so, I could finally make an RPG adventure purely with Lua in makermod.
  15. The Perception Deception - David Icke
  16. I expected him to be older, but he's a lot bigger, where clones are naturally thin, not buff.
  17. Not a fan of the new look of Rex, he's seems a bit too buff. I love the look of the AT-TE with all the extra stuff they added to it. Great to see Hondo returning, still curious whether Gregor will make an appearance.
  18. Depends really. Is it 40 players total, or 40 per team? If it's per team, ya, that's more than enough. I would be fine with 20 per team on a small map, but if it's a large map with a huge battlefield, there needs to be more players.
  19. Still many people complaining about DLC, and we didn't actually see any gameplay footage. Regardless, the graphics look great. I'm also fine with that there isn't a campaign, there really wasn't one in the original battlefront I and II either, they just put all the multiplayer maps into a story, but that doesn't make it much of a campaign. Also, apparently there will be a raft of modes that have different player caps, so it isn't just set at 40. Some youtube comments: Ahvi303 36 minutes ago+Ziggerath I may not either. There aren't even space battles in the game and it's only launching with 4 locations. trabuco9 19 minutes ago40 players only No campaign DLC and microtransactions up the ass (this is EA we are talking about. This is in engine footage, meaning it wont look nearly this good. But the worse thing is that there are no space battles. Im sorry for being a fucking buzzkill, but why are people hyped for this? The first two were some of my favorites games of all time (still are, still play them). But this looks awful, for your sake and the sake of your wallet, I would recommend that you refrain from purchasing this. Thanks for reading this far in. Have a good day fellow Star Wars fan.
  20. As much as I would say say makermod is dead, it isn't. I've had people PM me on the MBII and JKhub forums asking for makermod files and expansion packs. So clearly there is still interest in the mod. Of course, it is true that lugormod is far more popular and well known, however makermod is so much easier to build.
  21. Again, the project needs interest from other modders to survive xD.
  22. I personally think JKG can be revived, if work is done slowly and bit by bit, and allowing the interest in the project to grow. But I could be wrong, maybe the jedi have already taken ovah.
  23. For what? JKA or smash? Because I have absolutely no knowledge of how to do either.
  24. I would if I could. I've only ever played against CPU's for 8 years. But facing players it a totally different story in smash, so I would probably suck.
  25. Never heard of em. Interesting idea.
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