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Everything posted by Onysfx

  1. I agree, download manager, I had a similar problem with large files xD. I use IDM for all my downloads, however IDM isn't freeware. There are tons that are though. @@eezstreet I've been looking for an alternative browser myself, can you recommend me the one you use? (I'm planning on using firefox perhaps)
  2. Onysfx


    @@SiLink Welcome back! You've been gone for so long... jk XD.
  3. Had we had the scripting system, my makermod adventures would have been so much bigger and bettah .
  4. Quite useful . Also, I would suggest for version 2, make a cfg to revert to the original method of walking/running.
  5. I would like to take this moment to thank @@Caelum for starting this site. Even with his attempts to use the staff and CrimsonStrife to take ovah, without him we might not have another master server (well, probably, but not nearly as soon).
  6. Tail looks cute. But it could jab someone...
  7. When this is finished, I'm certain it will replace the current Qui Gon model in MBII .
  8. What about makermod? I enjoy building ships and bases. Many times people use these to RP themselves. I built an entire hotel on a server, and had the players move in and decorate their own rooms. Then I had a UFO come and invade the hotel with aliens (trandoshans, weequays, etc) .
  9. Darn, I still haven't started on my secret santa gift...guess I'm waiting till the last moment to make it....

    1. ChalklYne


      Im almost done with mine. Started it today. Twice because my comp crashed lol. Hi ony. Hail hydra

    2. Angel Soul
    3. Angel Soul

      Angel Soul

      I know about this alllll too well.... lmao. Doing things in the last minute. :D

  10. Nah, the client just allows you to use the makermodule, still anyone can join.
  11. About darn time. Makermod is the best RP mod out there (even if it isn't meant for RPing).
  12. @@Sentra Perhaps Scooper should have done that himself while he was here xD
  13. @@GalenAltaiir Sure, I'll get my version for ya. I'll send you a private message with the link in a min... EDIT: Sent, enjoy.
  14. I still miss JKG. I remember being so excited for it back in 2010, reading through the old forums of all the ideas people had...good times...that was also before makermod died.
  15. Onysfx


    Wow nice! Love this guy, using his hat as a shield and a weapon.
  16. Ah welcome newcomer! UNLIMITED POWAAAAAAAAAAH!!!
  17. Actually, I would say the new saber makes more sense, handguards are useful. Only problem I have with it, is that the handguard could still get cut off, unless the saber is made out of cortosis or something like that... EDIT: And I agree with @@NumberWan, people always seem to reject new and fresh ideas if it doesn't fit with their nostalgia. Now granted, you probably do have good reasons for rejecting them, but still...seems like the same thing every movie (not referring to you @@hleV, just people in general). EDIT 2: Also, the unstable blade is most likely a result of the crystal being used for it - red blades aren't natural, they have to be synthetically made, which is why Jedi don't typically use them.
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