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Everything posted by Onysfx

  1. Onysfx

    Commander Jet

    Once you've completed all the clone wars clones, you'll definitely need to compile them into one large pack .
  2. You are all perfect for the job. Not only as responsible staff, but as friends .
  3. @@eezstreet Yes. A friend and I went through the firewall thoroughly, it isn't that.
  4. Would appreciate some help here, I've been at this for hours: http://jkhub.org/topic/6229-server-wont-switch-from-local/

  5. Hi, I've been trying to create a JKA server for a friend to join, but it won't show up on the internet list, nor can he ever connect via IP. I am able to see the server on the local list, with a (UDP) beside it. Here is the command I'm using to launch the server: start jampded.exe +set net_port 29071 +set dedicated 2 +exec server.cfg Via my router I've also opened ports 29070, 29071, 29060, and 29062, yet he is still unable to connect When I check the /net_ip, it always says it is localhost. I don't understand, what am I doing wrong? EDIT: Oh, and I've also set the net_port to 29070, incase people think that's the issue, which it's not.
  6. This fan edit made palpatines face look far more like the emperor from episode 6.
  7. Onysfx

    Commander Thorn

    Ah this guy! Seen his death multiple times, pretty epic.
  8. @@therfiles Would be interesting to incorporate your npc mod into makermod somehow, but the npc mod is only SP sadly. (mp npcs are stupid).
  9. @@therfiles You should also add saving templates for your own custom npcs. So I don't have to change all the settings everytime. EDIT: Also, can this mod be used for mp? And another question, why do the mp npcs suck compared to sp npcs?
  10. I know I still owe this community my palpatine montage, I still have a lot of footage to get.

  11. Can't go higher than 40-45, so I just keep it locked at 30. Would rather have a steady 30 fps than have it fluctuate around.
  12. Very nicely done. EDIT: Even though it's clone wars, this would look very nice in MBII.
  13. Shame you have to go, but understandable. There is more to life than jkhub, you wouldn't want to stay on Tatooine your whole life right? I had no idea Circa was practically running the website, wow, very well done! We are grateful with how well you've managed it, and to @@SiLink as well. There are plenty of nice people here in the community that are qualified to be moderators, which is good to know. Heck, that is something I should be doing to pay back the community with, but I'm...well....would kinda hate to wake up in the morning knowing I have to go to jkhub, rather than just coming here whenever I wanted. Bit selfish I know, but it's a huge responsibility. I feel like we are moving into a new era similar to episode 7. A whole team of new people to take over the legacy. But look what's happening: The MBII team is retiring, the jkhub team is retiring, makermod is nearly dead, this can only mean one thing: credits to circa for making this very gif for me .
  14. Haven't tried Gimp myself yet, I think I should give it a try next time I want to edit a photo.
  15. Ah I forgot! Yes I've played and beat it. I didn't find it as appealing as jedi knight in terms of story, but it had some interesting level design, and the swamp at the end was scary.
  16. I actually enjoyed all the JK games. I first played JKA, then dark forces, then jedi outcast, and then finally Jedi Knight 1 (AKA dark forces II). An odd order to play em in, but all of em were good. You'll definitely want to play the dark forces remake for JKA. It doesn't contain all the levels but it's extremely well done.
  17. Very nice pack! Too bad there isn't a decent Phase I clone trooper model out there yet.
  18. @@Cerez Congrats on release, your model made it into the MBII v1.3 release. I'm making sure to tell everyone when I go on to give a special thanks to you for making the model, I dislike when credit isn't given to the creator.
  19. @Kylo Ren Darn I forget the name, it's one of SJC's maps, I know that... What I'd really like to know is the names of the other 2 as well.
  20. I've only played the first game of the series (I'm one who hates playing games halfway through the series and not understanding the story).
  21. No idea who you are, but welcome to jkhub!
  22. I know I've already asked this, but can anyone recommend me any games/anime/movies (any media really) for me?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Clan FJA

      Clan FJA

      http://www.commitstrip.com/en/ :-)

      you can read all their strips. It takes time.

    3. Ping


      Read Plato. Anything really, but try Gorgias or Phaedo. Or jump straight into Republic. Or read Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil is a great start, but so is Gay Science's book 4.

    4. Ping


      Aristotle is a bit more dry, but his Nicomachean Ethics is phenomenally good. Alternatively, you could pick up Seneca's essays, especially de brevitate vitae or de vita beata. They're short and really good.

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