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Everything posted by Onysfx

  1. Saw the video awhile ago too, very well put together, but it should be called "Every Canon Jedi Ever".
  2. Better than I expected, well done!
  3. An interesting take on the Paris situation:

    1. Ping


      "France doesn't have a foreign policy, they just do what Washington tells them to do." rofl

  4. They've had this for years (more like decades) but they've suppressed it because there's no profit to be made off a cure. Short term maybe, but long term profit, no.
  5. I've never used Linux myself, a class mate recommended ARCH Linux, which has high customization, but you have to build it from the ground up.
  6. Today is the 17th anniversary of Half-Life 1.

    1. Ping


      Today is a good day.

  7. Ah you're a fan of Metroid prime hunters, as am I! (you forgot spire in your initial hunter list)
  8. Welcome back! They all come back eventually... (unless they're dead)
  9. @@Syko http://gamesystemrequirements.com/game/star-wars-jedi-knight-jedi-academy The minimum requirements for JKA require 32MB minimum video memory. My card has 128. Not to mention, I played on an even older card which only had 16MB video memory, and it still ran fine.
  10. Jesus, you beat me. Here is my video card by the way: http://www.notebookcheck.net/ATI-Radeon-Xpress-X1200.3775.0.html
  11. How is the Dark Pastime mod going?

    1. Syko


      I hope it is going. It's like the only SP TC mod in development right now.

    2. GPChannel


      I hope it's not dead :D

  12. @@RJA If I knew how to code better, I might try but I don't.
  13. If he played MBII, he would suck badly at it. However, would draw at least 100 more MBII players.
  14. Finally! I'm currently learning to code in college now, so perhaps one day I'll contribute.
  15. It's like they are trying to ruin the game on purpose.
  16. Onysfx


    Oh...well.... THE JEDI ARE TAKING OVAH!
  17. Onysfx


    Looks nice, but ya the blurry textures. I mean, I play at that texture quality anyway, but not everyone else does.
  18. New voicing for Jaden altogether. Would add a lot of flexibility.
  19. After replaying JKO's campaign recently, I realized I enjoyed JKA more than JKO. JKO had story yes, but the level design was very repetitive compared to JKA, which had a lot of variety (although not a compelling story).

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Numfast


      I like entire JO. It's feeling like journey: one place change another. And also I like style of the levels.

    3. afi


      I agree with Syko, I loved the imperial levels in JKO

    4. McGroose


      The way the plot had the levels be more imperial-ish to be in the style of the movies is what I loved. The story is what made the levels what they are.

      I agree with Syko.

  20. Computer can't run it till I get my unlimited powah PC. Even then, I'll wait for a bit until there is more feedback on the game.
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