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Everything posted by Onysfx

  1. Very nice! So many weapons to choose from....beautiful.
  2. Nicely done. He looks quite old and haggered. I'm assuming this was intentional?
  3. Does anyone know of a mod I can use for base jka that allows me to holster weapons on my playermodel?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Clan FJA

      Clan FJA

      Try with OJP basic http://www.gamefront.com/files/4542170/Open_Jedi_Project_Basic__v0_1_0_

      and seta ojp_holsteredweapons "2" (client side)

      You can try to put OJP basic files in your base folder to enable the holster on all basejka servers.

    3. Merek


      Yeah, also JA+ will do that provided JA++ is not instead.


      Would be nice if JA++ had that feature.

    4. Onysfx


      Oh. I realize now it has to be a code mod for holstering, I was hoping I could use it with another mod. Thanks for the info though guys, I suppose it's not that important to show holstered weapons.

  4. Another thing to notice is that grenades are no longer limited, they slowly recharge after you throw one XD. Agree with @@Syko , would rather see the battlefront I hologram type menus again, they looked awesome.
  5. @@Clan FJA As far as I know, back when I played legacy OJP, the mod was hosted by a specific server, and only that server would allow you to create accounts. EDIT: Mind sending me the link so I can verify I'm referring to the correct mod? I might be mistaken, so I have to be sure.
  6. I'm tired and have no motivation...to do really anything.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Syko


      You should get a summer job. Sitting at home all day sucks.

    3. z3filus


      summerjob helps to pay for the new car :> and as Syko implied, it keeps you busy, sitting inside without ANYTHING to do is boring...

    4. Archangel35757


      Endeavor to learn a new skill.

  7. @@Sturg29 It is true makermod hangs out in a graveyard, but we gather once in awhile .
  8. I found E3 sucked this year. Sure, there were quite a few good games, but for the most part, most of it felt like filler. Maybe that's just me. One of the biggest problems I've noticed with nintendo, perhaps again it's just me, but their creativity continues to spiral down, as well as making their games easier and easier every year. If you watched the starfox gameplay, you'll see what I mean (however, they may have just buffed his health up just for that demo so he didn't die, so I could be wrong). However, I still have hope for Zelda U.
  9. @@Clan FJA I just want to point out, that the link to JKE that you provided does not link to the JKE I gave you. It links to the latest buggy version of OJP 1.3. The proper link for the for that version of JKE is here: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=203716 You have to scroll down to the 4th post, the links are there.
  10. I believe the MBII team wanted to also implement something like this, but still haven't got around to it yet xD.
  11. @@extreme_x0 Ah I was a fan of your mando pack back in the day, I remember using it on an RP server! Your mando is looking better than the MBII one, hopefully this one will make it in .
  12. Interesting idea. Never been a fan of java myself, but I suppose it's useful to make it multi platform.
  13. A Sith lord has passed away!?!?!? Why did he have to pass away...surely he can do bettah. Really Old Man and I were big fans of Dooku, I still quote him in MBII XD. You'll long be missed Christopher Lee...
  14. Building stuff in Makermod for the first time. EDIT: 2nd best memory: Getting the perfect forcewhore build in MBII, and frying people.
  15. Nintendo. Hopefully they'll show us more of Zelda U. And perhaps another metroid or starfox title. EDIT: Not that I'll ever be able to play any of those games of course.
  16. Onysfx

    Interview: SiLink

    Both. Makermod is one of the least known mods, it's not even on the menu on the jkhub bar uptop anymore. Makermod was the first time I ever built something in a game myself. It's simple, intuitive, and definitely needs to be covered.
  17. Just because I can do a TINY TINY bit of programming in C++, somehow people assume I could hack into DARPA or some crap. As George Carlin would say. "Some People are really fuckin stupid. You ever notice that? Carry a pen and paper with you, you'll wind up with 30-40 names by the end of the day."
  18. They did that because they wanted to return to the original trilogy style sabers. Appeal to peoples nostalgia I suppose.
  19. Stormtroopers can't aim worth crap. Stormies are the new droids.
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