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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. I don't know much about blender, but back from when I tried making a saber, I remember that the hilt has two markers, one for where the character will hold it, and the second, for the emitter (literally, for where the blade comes out from). Now it's just a hunch, but you could try turning the model (and the second marker) upside down, alternatively, remaking the model from scratch, placing the emitter in the back, and reversing the second marker. Oh yeah, and you'll want to contact the mod author if you want to change it...
  2. Um, aren't you contradicting yourself a bit up there? You say "what if my work is so great people love it", then you say "Joe Schmo released a crap mod with my work" - won't it seem just a bit strange that a modder as crappy as Joe managed to make "great" content? And if my work is so great, won't people recognize it instantly? Then you say "people will think I worked for/ with Joe on his mod", but how will they think this, if he never credited me anywhere? If, say, they do recognize my work and think I did work for/ with him, what does it change? The mod is crap, but the content (that I made) is good, and people can see it, so how does my reputation suffer? As far as they know, I was doing charity by helping Joe with his crappy mod! Or maybe I'm 'a staving artist' who'd work for anyone, as long as I get paid? It's really none of their business who I provide my content with and why. Now if Joe claims all authorship (my content included), and my work isn't recognizeable enough for people to become suspicious, that's a problem. If not, I will find out about it, and will attempt seek him out, ESPECIALLY if he's charging people for it.
  3. Actually, I'd be flattered if someone considered my work worthy of 'infringing'. Then again, one can always consider fair use and all that.
  4. Well, it may not be exactly what you're looking for, but it's a nice shot nonetheless - Darth Revan from KotoR by Squee. With a bit of imagination (and maybe a retexture) you could say he looks like this... Alternatively, you could try this mod here (though it's a supposed Revanite, and the textures need a bit of work) Sorry if it's definitely not what you're looking for. Here, I found you the true Revan's Lightsaber instead.
  5. off-topic: I wonder though, why does everyone complain about porting? The cops really couldn't care less about who ports a model from a game, and it's not like anyone's selling these when it comes to mods...
  6. never really understood why their helmets looked the way they do, but oh well. good work!
  7. love it! but I sometimes get a glitch - the lightsaber doesn't display, instead I get the "angle" object (you know, like when an object's missing a model or something?)
  8. there's a melee weapon pack (or two) available on jkhub, search the weapons section! and a whole bunch of maps set in 'real' cities or places (like dojos and bars for example)
  9. hah, this reminds me of the naked girfriends from GTA SA
  10. so, where's the promised tutorial? (rolleyes)
  11. I know what the first line says, I just didn't know of the forum category for clans and such + I thought the RP community of JA was almost entirely dead how's that?
  12. aw, and I was hoping it to be a sexy anime chick moving on. (sorry, I couldn't have helped you even if I wanted to, I'm no good at modelling )
  13. it was just strange because I was working with the original textures' titles, so as to test the new textures on the stormtrooper, before creating a standalone character. but anyway, forget I said anything
  14. well that's strange...other characters retexture no problem... what kind of shader d'it use?
  15. yeah, ok, thanks for the replies
  16. nice job, mate! wanted to do it as well, but for some reason, I'd always get missing textures (though the model would still be there)
  17. thanks for the reply, but when I click there, it also gives me the "no allowence" error
  18. When I try uploading a file - attaching it - I get the error "You are not allowed to upload this type of file". I'm trying to upload a .pk3 or a .rar file (neither works). It's strange because I previously uploaded a file no problem, and I never got any bans or anything. What's the problem?
  19. nope, I think not is the back armor plate supposed to be green as well? or black?
  20. I think you need better advertising or something. For example, I have just learnt of your RP
  21. the_raven


    are women really supposed to have hair? o_O (sorry, I just don't know )
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