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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. I didn't get how to properly install it actually. I downloaded JA++, but the site also said something about OpenJK or some such thing, but I didn't know how to install that.
  2. the reason why I started this was because I was playing around with mods, and made a 'somewhat' funny picture. don't know how to upload it here (at least) though
  3. ep2 conveyer belt fight anyone?
  4. Whadda ya say? For those of you who don't know what PotD is, it's Picture of the Day. They used to have this back on jk3files.
  5. You know, the Elf-prince from Hellboy 2: The Golden Army? Here's a couple of reference pics: No weapons needed, just the model/ skin(s). Thanks in advance!
  6. I have never played MB (wasn't it discontinued? ), so I can't really say anything relevant, but there is the JA++ mod that adds a new saber color (that's rgb-supported) that makes the blade look fuzzy or something. It's not animated, but it's something. Of course, it's for multiplayer, though I have to see if it works in singleplayer
  7. maybe you should try mrwonko's site? I must admit, I kinda like the tunic on this model alternatively, maybe it was in Spanki's Jedi Customization pack?
  8. but you'll still need to know what the models are called
  9. they're for multiplayer, should appear in the skin list. alternatively, try the "model" command in the console
  10. Since I only played JO and JA, I can't vote on any DF2 villains. In JO, I guess it was Desann, because the Tavion duel was kinda generic, don't even remember the Galak one tbh. Though honestly, it was neither. In JA I liked the Rosh one, because it's fun whooping his arse, and because the Kothos twins were healing him and "pushing you around" if you tried getting to them, so yeah. The possessed Tavion one was just pathetic, because you'd think the infamous Marka Ragnos would be A LOT stronger...
  11. I remember there was a thread on here that wanted to make Asajj after she left Dooku and allied herself with Quinlan Vos, basically, as she's featured in some novel. Here's a reference picture. So, did anyone make her in the end?
  12. First off, sorry @@Jeff, but your version needs more work. Second, here's some reference pics I found on deviantArt: so, any takers?
  13. there already is an imperial knight model (or three) on here, somewhere...check these threads: https://jkhub.org/topic/5077-post-your-frankenstein-ideas-here/?hl=%2Bimperial+%2Bknight&do=findComment&comment=75028https://jkhub.org/topic/3958-suggestion-imperial-knights/?hl=%2Bimperial+%2Bknightas for the saber, I think I saw the saber in some saber pack back when jk3files was around. try mrwonko's site.
  14. I'd change Force Grip the following way: Lvl1 - Standard Force Grip but make it interactive, as in apply it as long as you want, not just toggle it for a minute. Lvl2 - Standard level 3 Force Grip, like in the BOC duel in Ep3, when Dooku gripped Obi-Wan before trapping him under the catwalk. Lvl3 - Force Crush like in KOTOR But, that's just me.
  15. lookin' good! but the lekku should definitely be longer... when's v. 1.1 coming along?
  16. sadly, I'm not good with photoshops or any of that myself
  17. I'd update the tunic, gloves and ski-mask (not face-mask) textures too look less 'paint', if you know what I mean, but I like it otherwise (though I'd change to mask to a helmet, but that's just me)
  18. what's r2d2_security supposed to do? give you a key after destruction? like the imp. officer?
  19. the_raven

    Yavin RPG

    +1 to Commander Awesome. You should add more screens to your maps.
  20. ...considering how stupidly popular this kind of stuff is on teh internetz... ...and the likes (Vader, Clonetrooper, Boba helmets)
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