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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. Thanks for explaining, and the video. The screen is not from my game, I just found the screen on the internet to show what I meant. I would post my own screenshot, but I don't know how to add a pic from the computer to the forum here.
  2. The vanilla skins don't seem to have any custom animations (they have the same pace in the preview) I don't play much MP myself, mostly against bots because I get bored of adding npcs in SP all the time.
  3. Nope, I already know how to make team skins for the basic skins. I'm asking about skins that have rgb shader.
  4. Ah, thank you. Does this apply to the vanilla Jaden skins as well?
  5. If you take one of the vanilla Jaden varians and compile it into a standalone skin, it doesn't normally support team skins, for whatever reason. How do I make it possible? Also, how do I assign a particular color to the skin's shadered part? Thank you.
  6. ...that are basically repeated. I think they only become visible with JA++ or such mods, but they're there. These skins are mostly the vanilla Jaden skins, but for some reason, there's two of each variation (two for Twilek, two for Rodian, etc.), and they differ in nothing at all. Likewise, some of the skins created by the community here (mainly the Starkiller Jedi Adventurer robe) also have several slots, the only difference between them being the walking animation as the skin appears in the preview - one skin walks faster. In the .pk3 these additional slots are caused by the 'mp' folder in the 'models' folder, but then I ask - why? The "single" skin works just fine. Can anyone explain the purpose of the second, third, etc. slots?
  7. Namely, TFU1: Ultimate Sith Edition. In TFU, you have the Jedi holocrons that you need to collect as a side task on each level, and they give you lightsaber crystals, costumes, and upgrade and style points. That much is clear. But what's the purpose of the holocrons in Ultimate Sith Edition? When you start the Hoth or Tattooine levels, you already have all the stats maxed out, and all the crystals and costumes unlocked, so what's the point of collecting them other than some points? Do they give anything else?
  8. Fair points, I suppose, though I never heard it anywhere that the Jedi were an institutionalized govt. organization. Eh, the more you learn. 'At last, we will have our revenge!' - that was goldstein!
  9. But! Does it solve the animations problem? Because if it does, you can just as well take the JO textures
  10. so what, the swamptrooper armor version got cancelled?
  11. Getting Sith Eradicator bots to fight against Jedi Battlelord bots in Ep2 Jedi Temple Duel is priceless!

  12. Why not just take the JO model.glm and replace the model.glm provided by the JA models? Also, that video's funny, it's like Kyle and Luke are doing a battle in interpretative dance Reminded me of this: (sorry about the quality, couldn't find a better video )
  13. First time I saw anything like this! It's a shot in the dark, but maybe there's some kind of faulty connection in the code? Like the code that 'stops' the previous level and loads up the next one. Maybe it starts to load the next map, but can't finish the task because of that gap or error or whatnot?
  14. Someone uploaded the Gray Fox (whoever that is). Should be a simple matter of retexturing, especially now that you've got that sample by Droidy365
  15. I think I once tried assigning the shadowtrooper class to other npcs to make them invisible, but I don't remember them dropping crystals on death. Not sure if they even became invisible at that :|
  16. I saw one in Kotf, though you'd still need to download the whole thing, then to extract the files into a separate .pk3 and to make all the necessary alterations. On the other hand, the red and yellow royal guard skins are also available there.
  17. Can anyone test my Floating Sabers Npc mod? I want to know how it turned out. Thanks!

  18. Hey, I just tried the updated version. For some reason, my game doesn't recognize the 'invisible' textures you gave the sabers - they display as Kyle. Did you give them team skins?
  19. Long as there's no Hayden Christensen ghost anywhere in sight, I don't mind
  20. Ok, so imagine this? I had a dream about JKA! In this dream, I saw this really surreal map, it was all purple, gray, and orange. The setting was something like Bespin, but the walls were like in Palpatine's office, but purple, and there were those Tibana gas tanks (skyboxes?) and giant windows with red (or blue Vjun Sentinel?) forcefields instead of glass. The floor was simple gray/ silver. You'd spawn inside a ship of a sort (looks like the alien ship from Prometheus) that's stuck in a hole in the floor (kinda like the Outrider in that old JO map of Malachor, or the Ebon Hawk - pictures below). The ship's interior was kinda like the Outrider, but somewhat more spacious. You could get out by jumping up a hatch, or down into the bottomless pit, though that would obviously kill you. The map also had corridors, several levels (not like 'proper' levels, more like simple elevations that you could reach by walking up ramps) and imperials (Stormies, Stofficers, and Imp-officers) running around. Yeah, that's a messy description, and I doubt anyone's gonna make it, but stranger things have happened.
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