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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. I have never played Movie Duels, so I'm not sure how some of the things they've done were achieved. Did you check if there were some shaders you accidentally replaced or if the older model had a custom .gla file that somehow conflicted with the new model? At least, the problem with Ahsoka's saber stances sounds like it must be related to custom animation files (.gla).
  2. Enjoyed it, though I don't like the non-immersive textures. It takes me out of the game to see those coke machines everywhere.
  3. Yes, they completely failed. After all, Mace Windu's brilliant plan was to lead a squad of jedi masters to assassinate the Chancellor of the republic. What would have happened if he succeeded? Only the Jedi care about Palpatine's religious belief, the rest of the galaxy would have only seen it as it was, a coup attempt.
  4. I'm very interested in seeing how different would vehicle mechanics be in JKG. How would vehicle crews work? Would they be consist of other players playing in the server, or would they be NPCs linked somehow to the vehicle's owner?
  5. People would imply more than just one person, though. Names are irrelevant, this mod could be titled 'Knights of Ren fantastic world of joy and lightsaber duels' and it wouldn't make a difference with regards of the content.
  6. I think he knows. He's using those names because it's how the kenner toys named those characters back in the day.
  7. If Jedi Academy had better writing, I'm sure Tavion wouldn't have been the last boss since Jedi Outcast set a perfect path of redemption for her. Part of the philosophy of the Jedi is that you only use the force for defense, never for attack, which is why it'd be against their way to kill an unarmed opponent. At the end of the day, Sidious manipulating the Jedi into following violence was the reason they became almost extinct. When Mace Windu tried to murder an unnarmed Palpatine, he finally cemented the idea in Anakin's head that the Jedi were hypocritical and were trying to make a coup against the republic (which they were).
  8. Like always, it was a very fun experience. The only glitches I seemed to have were visual, like some models having no torso after equipping armor and such. I agree though, that grenades could be a bit cheaper.
  9. JKGalaxies is absolutely insane!

    1. Onysfx


      Indeed, quite fun.

  10. There was a hutt model for Jedi Outcast but it wasn't too good. There's also a Jabba model in movie battles. I'd edit it to have more custom animations if the MBII allowed it, but I think they don't.
  11. I've seen him in "The Martian" and the new spider-man film and his acting turned both movies from a 3/10 to a 1/10 in less than a minute. I have never seen a less sincere acting, can't stand him at all.
  12. I hope this movie is as good as Rogue One, but man do I dislike Donald Glover and Emilia Clarke, two of the worst actors I've ever had the displeasure of seeing.
  13. Downloaded it and tested it. Had to edit my run jkgalaxies.bat to "jkgalaxies.x86.exe +set cl_renderer "rd-galaxies" +set fs_game "JKG" +set fs_cdpath "." +set fs_basepath "../"" to make it work. I also had to rename the folder JKG_Dev to JKG. So far I'm having a couple crashes whenever I select the new items (jetpack and armors) in the shop.
  14. I don't know if I can, but my siblings can for sure, so I'll let them know!
  15. We do, though. It's stated on The Last Jedi's visual dictionary that snoke has nothing to do with the sith. He's just a strong user of the dark side. It also gives insight about his gold slippers. Source:
  16. You can create a new animation and replace that one so it doesn't look so weird to you. Now that you mention it, though, it is odd how he grabs his lightsaber when he uses lightning.
  17. I'm pretty sure Movie Battles II does this when you have Saber Deflect 3, so it must be possible. Does anybody know what happens when the player level up his saber blocking skills in base JA?
  18. Search functions always work like dogshit, I'm glad you shared this since I hadn't seen those videos. I'm wondering if there was a way Star Wars Kinect saber system could have ever worked well, it just seems that motion controls for melee combat are a bad idea, no matter how cool it might seem in one's head.
  19. Some entities are lost, but not all of them. I'll send you a PM with my decompiled version of t1_danger so you can see!
  20. Common sense tells us they shouldn't, and yet, they still have them!
  21. You're perfectly describing Adam Driver's face, though.
  22. As far as I know, you'd have to decompile to .bsp file to see the .map file. However, you can study how the objectives work by reading the scripts "piece_pickup.ibi" and "piece_returned.ibi" on the scripts/t1_danger folder. It's not as hard as it seems!
  23. Updated my female trandoshan model. Now it might be a bit lewder if you're into that sort of thing.

    1. Futuza


      All the scalies are gunna come out.

    2. Noodle


      That makes me very happy for some reason.

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