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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. No hand-holding please. I truly enjoyed scratching my head to solve some of the puzzles much more than any mission from the SP campaign.
  2. Even if you can't rig or animate it, it could be a great asset for mappers if you decide to give it proper textures!
  3. I just finished playing it and I must say this is quite a project! Really enjoyed how you populated the temple with NPCs, makes it feel quite alive!
  4. Man, watching these videos really motivates me to update the animation menu. Also, I love how you've mixed Jedi Academy with other games for a better visual effect! My only criticism would be that some of the voice acting needs improvement and some scenes drag too long. Remember Lucas' motto: 'Faster, more intense!'
  5. As I remember, @@Kualan was working on a Zygerrian kitbash, though he didn't release it.
  6. Fair enough. Let's just try not to derail this thread by turning it into a Emily-hating conversation.
  7. This is a very nice addition to the game. It certainly makes multiplayer scrimishes more interesting. I'd love to use this assets in my own maps.
  8. It's totally doable but it'd take an enormous amount of work so nobody has done it yet.
  9. I'm all for this, but I'm not sure if I'll always be able to participate!
  10. > More than focusing on anything in particular I'd like to see your workflow while doing a map with moderate complexity. It'd be interesting to see how you implement lighting and other entities like waypoints and such. > The main thing that annoys me when working with GTKRadiant are the way patch meshes are handled and how light effects them differently than ordinary brushes. > I'd like to be able to make maps as big as I please.
  11. Shouldn't affect ( "outro_fakeplayer", FLUSH ) be inside affect ( "npc_jaden", FLUSH ) and affect ( "npc_kyle_outro", FLUSH ) be inside outro_fakeplayer?
  12. There's this map, but you've already commented on it, so I assume you're aware of it: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3189-imperial-research-facility/ Thing is, I don't think many maps do tell a story like the one you've mentioned. I've tried to learn from it in my own maps, though, since it really helps build an immersive atmosphere.
  13. Read this: https://jkhub.org/topic/9943-adding-a-new-weapon-single-player-game/ https://jkhub.org/topic/9937-how-to-create-a-new-weapon-mp/ You're welcome.
  14. Yes! That's the default female human model battling against a Jedi Knight Jedi Outcast's default Reborn model.
  15. Can't you make the NPC invisible and non-solid instead of removing and respawning it? Sometimes I get problems with NPCs because scripts don't seem to work on them when they respawn.
  16. Well, I didn't know about the droideka's spawnpoint, but what you essentially had to do in the past was build a siege map and adapt the other files to MBII. If you check any of the MBII maps you'll find that most files are pretty self-explanatory.
  17. >play video >listen music >close video
  18. I've turned my own maps MBII friendly. It's not that hard, very similar to how you do a siege map! I'll try to find my source files so I can send them to you. Btw, what server are you playing on?
  19. Everybody did great! Congratulations on your victory, Artemis!
  20. Also this. Palpatine seemed to be able to produce blue fire that didn't burn in Rebels, so who knows what attributes the force has.
  21. I don't think it makes a difference if you're wearing armor or not when you get electrocuted. Still, I never really liked the concept of force absorb or force protect.
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