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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. A boss from the ported version for playstation 2 of The Force Unleashed.
  2. Can't the whole model be linked to just the root bone? I don't this 'meme' needs to be animated at all.
  3. Ironically Star Wars is based on silly japanese stuff.
  4. Just in case someone is interested in improving it and doesn't know how, these tutorials are quite useful: http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/5525-advanced-skinningupscaling-techniques-in-photoshop/ http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/5536-advanced-skinningupscaling-techniques-in-photoshop-pt-2/
  5. What's wrong with the Galaxy of Heroes fulcrum model? As it is, it fits perfectly in JA aesthetics, the only thing it needs is for someone to do improve the resolution of her textures.
  6. Then what you're looking for is a tutorial in Weight Painting. What's shown in this video tutorial is what you should have to do with any model you want to fit into the JKA skeleton.
  7. You can do it by switching saber styles, but you must have the adequate saber skills (don't remember how much, but must be something in offense and defense).
  8. No, this is a Singleplayer-only game mechanic.
  9. I'd like to see more beasts models. The mine monster from base JO and the howler from JA are nice concepts that show how the game can be populated by native fauna. I'd love to see animals like the Kowakian Monkey Lizard, Fathiers, Gundarks and others. On a more humanoid level, I'd love to see a Tognath since they're like Kel'dors but cooler.
  10. Kind of funny, but dress up games like this give me kitbashing ideas http://www.dolldivine.com/star-wars-avatar-creator.php

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Noodle


      Looks pretty good!

    3. Droidy365


      Noice. I might use this a bit myself :)

    4. Noodle


      Make sure to share the results!

  11. I'm 100% sure you can create an Open World RPG with Jedi Academy. The game can totally support large maps, or at least that's what the development pics of Warzone has led me to believe. Oblivion isn't that big in reality, it's just a bunch of maps connected with each other. Same as Skyrim, if you mod it, you'll notice that all the open world areas are relatively small maps connected. Same thing can be said about NPCs, how many NPCs do you think are in each cell in Skyrim? Their whole cities are populated by -at most- 30 people. Besides that, I agree with most of your point.
  12. I find it interesting how much people from the developed western world advocate so much for copyright laws. In south america you can find most streets filled with people selling pirated copies of video games and movies and nobody bats an eye. That said, I think people are way over reacting to the whole Battlefront II thing, if the game is so bad, just stop giving it attention, don't make a 1 hour video shouting and crying about how bad EA is.
  13. The Dianoga scared the shit out of me when I was little. Also, it's really funny that both of your ideas are almost the same concept I had in mind when I created my very first map ever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFZnmnVnxPg
  14. To be completely honest, those here who are against porting warned that this would inevitably happen to people doing ports. Just like Jeff, you'll get swarmed with requests from people that think it's okay to ask for very niche stuff and claim that they can't do it because 'they don't have the time to do it' (I really wish people would stop using that nonsensical phrase, why would you think your time is much more precious than others who are modding for free?).
  15. Totally trust in Ron Howard, after all, he was among the directors George Lucas initially contacted to direct Episode I.
  16. I hope I can participate! GMT: -03:00 Ideally during 14:00 to 17:00 during the whole week. Windows I'll bring my sibling again
  17. As said before, you really need to get Movie Battles 2 for some sweet multiplayer experience and a lot of shitposting. Besides that, I'd advise you to just dwell in the files section and start looking for stuff that's interesting for you. There's just too many mods to list them all as 'must have'. If you're interested in exploring new maps, I advise you to look for those made by JCulley3D, AngelModder and Szico VII, they were amongst the best around.
  18. This is the first time I have ever heard of this issue. How does the game shutdown, does an error appear? Please, do share more details. Do you have a clean base folder?
  19. I hope there's a way to implement some degree of customization for one's ship and astromech, even if it's just a custom RGB color.
  20. If you ever feel like it, you could record yourself working on something. A lot of what I've learned came from watching other people do their normal work.
  21. I would also like to see tutorials regarding how to create new textures with GIMP (or photoshop). Does anybody know if I should get a drawing tablet or I can do it fine with a mouse? So far, I've only found tutorials done by people that play some game called imvu and they're not that good, though they do give some very basic insights. Couple examples: I hope some of our more talented members can create a good tutorial in the future.
  22. Here you go! Tell me what you think: Preview: Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/viz4ou0mjtfn1jk/rax_brown.rar?dl=0
  23. I used the clone tool in GIMP to delete it and then manually drew on top of it to make it look more seamless. I don't think it'd be useful for you, though, since I colored it brown.
  24. Las texturas de la piel se ven de bajo detalle, quizás podrías ver alguna manera de aumentar la resolución de estas.
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