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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. There seems to be a missing saber, if you know which one I mean.
  2. You guys really should consider changing the default sound of some of those models. I've already seen people online commenting on how amusing and tiring it is to hear characters repeating lines from the movie every time they're hit. It'd be better if they just did normal grunts and pain sounds like in the base game.
  3. That's exactly what I mean. Trying to recreate the Dagobah map from Battlefront 2 in GTKRadiant sounds almost insane. You'd need to create the terrain in a 3d modeling software like Blender or 3dsmax and also a bunch of vines, trees and stumps. Also, the fog and water shaders that may or may not affect FPS. Anyone is free to try on his own to create a map, but basically what @@RAILBACK said, it's a lot of work.
  4. Have you tried conceptually mapping Dagobah? The reason there isn't any map of that planet is because it seems like an absolute impossible task. How could someone even come close to achieve the atmosphere of that planet? You'd need a ton of models and new textures.
  5. The same seems to apply to most Jedi too. Neither Obi-wan nor Anakin wear armors most of the time and Jedi like Ahsoka and Aayla Secura go around barely clothed even though there are Jedi completely opposite of that like Luminara and Barris. It'd seem the clothes have to reflect more on the personality of the character rather than any sort of practicality. Armors are very sith-like, while someone like Tavion goes around dressed more like a nightsister witch, which could excuse showing a lot of skin since they're by nature seductresses.
  6. Your description made me think on a Kendo suit of armor. It's the perfect mix of armor and normal clothing.
  7. Man, that death stick addiction really got to her.
  8. I like the updated Kyle Katarn model that's on the hub, but I do feel we need an updated Jan Ors model too.
  9. That's exactly how I've interpreted it and why it doesn't bother me at all. Everything that happens seems to be predisposed to happen. I'd also point out that Ahsoka didn't travel to the future, but was taken to a place where time doesn't exist as we know it. It's not the first time that the idea has been suggested, since the Mortis arc presented the notion that the protagonists were in a place where time didn't occur in the same way as in other places of the galaxy (what they thought were days were in fact just seconds for the rest of the universe). In this case, both Ezra and Ahsoka were in a place were time just didn't happen. The mortis arc also suggests that the son 'broke the rules of time' when he reveals the future to Anakin, so the whole concept of time traveling does have a precedent, it's not to be going back in time or forward to retcon events that they don't want to be canonical.
  10. If you could record yourself animating, modeling or mapping, it would be a great resource for everybody in the community since we can learn a lot from your ideas and also from your errors. If the latter happens, you can also get something in return since people would point out if you ever do a mistake.
  11. Did you do all those animations yourself? If so, allow me to say that's very impressive and I do wonder what the purpose of some of them are. Now I'm hyped for your boba fett mod.
  12. For me the general experience when I'm looking for servers is: >join server >no laming allowed >leave server >join other server >no laming allowed >leave server >join other server >no laming allowed, no swearing allowed, christian server yadda yadda >leave server >exit openjk.x86.exe >launch MBII.exe
  13. I used to do it all the time when I was much younger. Though I'd usually use a mp map, fill it with NPCs, save, and then load it as many time as I'd like.
  14. In it's simplicity, the texture work seems very well done. Congratulations on giving such an original skin to the Slave Leia model! I think with more advanced techniques you'd be able to achieve very good things!
  15. The thing I hate the most is people complaining about laming or swearing. Jesus christ, I thought after 10+ years they wouldn't get so buttblasted about it, but they still do!
  16. Noodle

    New Hazardtroopers

    Incredible work! Just tested it and it works perfectly!
  17. Everything seems to indicate that the Vong will appear in the future as they're somewhat considered to be canonical (as is everything that was going to be produced in TCW but didn't finally make it). There will be differences from the old canon so that it fits with Lucas' view of the force, so they won't be immune to the force and things like that, but I think that's better than what we had. I believe the same thing will happen with KOTOR, they'll eventually make some things canonical and hopefully others will rest in the garbage bin of eternity. Still, we must try to avoid being misled by Youtube clickbait, if Jaxxon ever becomes canon again, I'm mostly sure it'll be different from what it used to be.
  18. I agree, I love when they show Sheev's true power!
  19. Fucking Sheev using sith sorcery again.
  20. Not wanting to derail the thread, but would it be unethical to theoretically comission someone like Psyk0sith or Ashura to create a custom model? That way you don't make the local modelers unappreciated since you're just giving them money to do what you know they can do.
  21. Man, that's a great idea! Yeah, I started to dislike them a bit more when I re-did the map. I'm just using them because I needed a blue source of lightning that wasn't completely flat. Thanks for the comments! After doing this I really started to figure out how important was to give a proper source of lighting to my maps after my first attempts. Makes it look so much more immersive.
  22. I knew people would put them up for sale, but didn't know people actually bought them. What would happen if some of us pay to have a custom models make for JKA? Could that be a thing?
  23. It's been two years since I first posted this map. I went back and revisited it and realized it was quite bad, badly optimized and just plain ugly. Thus, I decided to give it a make over and now it's finally near to be finished! I'll keep most of it secret, so people can explore, but these are some of the areas that were completely re-worked. Main hangar: Corridor: Elevator room: More corridors: R&D room: Hopefully, I'll release the non-siege/mbii version of this map this week Stay tuned! p.s: Can the title of this thread be changed to [WIP] Imperial Space Station?
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