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Everything posted by Torki

  1. Nice, there has been a lot of new models lately , about variations, a simple one just occured to me, battledroid with 3po's head, so we can taunt "Die jedi dog!"
  2. @@dark_apprentice, if you want you could try with ashura's or roxxon's kylo ren's saber, doens't have the broken part nor the wire, but they have a bit of less detail than plasma's: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2214-kylo-rens-lightaber-adx/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/2213-kylo-rens-lightsaber/
  3. Maybe brownish would look better, like the light side starforge's robe from KOTOR
  4. Since i don't want to annoy anyone posting this on their topics, i do it here. Force Arena got this new model: Any one interested on rigging it? http://www.mediafire.com/file/z55iza1ov4vdfy2/vader_con.rar Extracted by episoder of facepunch
  5. You keep popping up high quality contend out of nowhere.
  6. Nice, more custom animations By the way how is tha Wall-E going?
  7. Hooooly sh*t, no more words, would hit like more times if i could.
  8. Me too, but from time to time i like to play it with a bunch of replacements to spice it a bit.
  9. Hey @@Jeff , something weird happens when using this model on sp, both for npcs and the player, the saber blade doesn´t appear, they attack but do no damage and it only turns on when throwing the saber and then back off.
  10. Hey @@Jeff, do you think you could right this model, if you have time or want to. http://jakegreen163.deviantart.com/art/Star-Wars-Rebels-Kanan-530069443 Link of the model is in the description.
  11. Hi @Teancum, you might be interested on this: https://community.moviebattles.org/threads/lt-claims-workshop.60/page-2 The only problem is that it is from another game, so i guess that will be a problem. I think you could include it, if Lt.Claim gives permision, as an external addon, maybe linking to it on the readme, if the rules allow that.
  12. Done, better? I return your thread to you Jeff, won´t happen again (he didn´t say anything but i think i shouldn´t hijack his thread)
  13. Jeff helped me to make this, he is such a nice guy!
  14. I think it´s part of the map, so you´ll have to edit the map.
  15. It´s beautiful and great, but on sp i often get the "ran out of ghoul2 space" error, i guess nothing can be done, right?
  16. Bug report It doesn´t replace JKA luke and the npc DT_Luke_EP7 is enemy of the player. Just those two things nothing else
  17. Jedi outcast/academy now more "canon"
  18. @ShadowPhoenix I requested it a few pages ago
  19. @@Rooxon don´t know if you saw that, i don´t want to sound annoying and know that you have a big list.
  20. Could you add this to your list of things to do? I know you already have a lot stuff http://forcerelics.deviantart.com/art/Kanan-Jarrus-saber-01-485082070 http://forcerelics.deviantart.com/art/Kanan-Jarrus-with-petit-crouton-3-5-01-506790120?q=gallery%3AForceRelics%2F41301175&qo=0 http://forcerelics.deviantart.com/art/Kanan-Jarrus-with-petit-crouton-3-5-02-506790053?q=gallery%3AForceRelics%2F41301175&qo=1 http://forcerelics.deviantart.com/art/Kanan-Jarrus-with-petit-crouton-3-5-03-506789844?q=gallery%3AForceRelics%2F41301175&qo=2 http://forcerelics.deviantart.com/art/Kanan-Jarrus-saber-04-485082384?q=gallery%3AForceRelics%2F41301175&qo=27
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