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  1. Watched Rogue One. My verdict: entirely forgettable. What part of this movie actually made sense in the Star Wars lore?

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    2. Cerez


      Not to mention that the writing was absolutely terrible -- literally on the level of a 12-year-old...


      We always knew that there were many who sacrificed their lives in the war, fighting for the rebel cause. This movie doesn't actually add anything meaningful to Star Wars at all.

    3. Cerez


      We now know how the Rebels got the plans. Is it any more exciting than not knowing how it came into their hands? Is there anything you will remember this movie for 5 years from now on?


      And I don't even want to talk about the blatant, ignorant errors they make in the story, like having everyone speaking about the Force completely out of context!

    4. Cerez


      This movie has more to do with teenage fan-fiction than it does with Star Wars.


      I don't ever want to hear about this movie in a Star Wars topic again. And anyone who claims that this is a great film will lose their worth in my eyes.


      I hated it that much...

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