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  1. Watched Rogue One. My verdict: entirely forgettable. What part of this movie actually made sense in the Star Wars lore?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Cerez


      I could hardly sit through the 2 hours... >.<' So glad I didn't pay for it.

    3. Kualan


      You're free to your own opinion of course, but declaring anyone who has a different one is "less worthy" as a result is a bit much don't you think? Let's not forget, we're all Star Wars fans, but at the end of the day it's just a film.


      I happened to enjoy it. You didn't. It is what it is. There's still plenty of Star Wars out there to enjoy!

    4. Circa


      You must have walked into the wrong film? First off, its a spinoff, not a saga movie. It's meant to relate, in the same universe, with new characters.


      It sounds like you already hated it before you saw it. And apparently the majority of people that saw it are now worthless in your eyes, so thanks for that.

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