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  1. Watched Rogue One. My verdict: entirely forgettable. What part of this movie actually made sense in the Star Wars lore?

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Daedra


      I will make two criticisms about the movie. 1. Not enough Vader and 2. They should have altered the opening title music, it didn't sit right with me. Those are just my own nitpicks, but still the best SW movie I've seen in a long time.

    3. Cerez


      I apologise, I should clarify: not completely worthless, just with very little sense for quality in storytelling. I seriously recommend you guys watch Rogue One, and then A New Hope, and tell me which one is Star Wars, and which one is not. As I said before, the two just don't fit. Rogue One shares very-very little with the old Star Wars. And it has very-very little lasting qualities as a movie. I know I will offend some -- perhaps many -- in saying this, but (I hope) in time you'll s...

    4. Cerez


      ...you'll see it my way as well, and I have to speak the truth when no-one else will.

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