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  1. Watched Rogue One. My verdict: entirely forgettable. What part of this movie actually made sense in the Star Wars lore?

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    2. Cerez


      My number one problem with Rogue One is this: why should I care what happens in the story, and about any of the characters featured there? What makes them so interesting? That they are no-one? That we don't even know who they are? That they are powerless rogues/soldiers (who happen to have incredible, almost superhuman accuracy and skills)? That their individual motivations are as vague and unfathomable as possible?

    3. Cerez


      Take Jyn, the lead hero, for example. Who is she?! A rogue? A thief? An assassin? She lost her father when she was very young, okay. What happened after that? How did she grow up? Does knowledge of her father mean anything to her now, and if so, what? What is her past? What are her skills and where to they come from? We are not given insight to any of these details. We are only given the bare minimum that keeps the story from falling apart. And we're talking about the main character h...

    4. Cerez


      here!!! And I don't even want to mention some of the other, supporting characters in the story. Who are they, where do they come from, why are they along for the ride, ready to sacrifice everything? Why do they even care for and trust Jyn? What reason do they have to do that? Or to sacrifice their lives for the rebellion. We're not given any of this background in the story.

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