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Posts posted by Lancelot

  1. This map is awesome. It's also from one of my favourite episodes!

    It has the potential to be far more than just a FFA map. I see it as a map that gives you a certain mission, which requires stealth and tactics, just like in the show. It would be a shame if it becomes like one of those exclusive Moviebattles II maps in which the players are aimlessly shooting through the hallways.

    OCD2 likes this
  2. 7 minutes ago, ChalklYne said:

    Not original. From Killer Instinct 2013

    Even though it is based on a character from another game, you are creating the whole model from scratch. That, technically, also counts as original, because you didn't port anything.

    Also, I hope you don't mind that I changed the topic's title. It's just for better understanding.

    Jolly likes this
  3. 10 hours ago, zahar said:

    Thanks again.
    Well, I just uploaded Jose Carsos's Jedis with Spanki's heads, so you can cheack it out if you want.

    But aparantly I chose wrong cathegory and upload it as JO model insted of JA. Ooops. My bad. Im kinda sleepy and sloopy at the moment.
    Is there a way to report to moderator about this mistake? Problem is, I dont even know who is the moderator who aprowes uploaded files, or can fix this miscathegorizing. can somebody tell me?


    I fixed it. Thanks for pointing it out.

  4. 15 hours ago, Coolin said:

    any updates? its such a shame if this wont be continued

    If there were any updates, @Rmvsallen would've probably provided them already. But since his last activity here was in February 2018, I doubt that we'll get any more updates. Maybe he has just moved on to other projects, which is not uncommon.

  5. 3 hours ago, BlindDaThief said:

    Speaking of old stuff, looking for an opinion.. Is it acceptable in the modding world to reskin an entire map with custom textures to make it better? And maybe release it if you credit the original maker?

    Better ask this question in the General Modding Discussions section.

    lpriefer01 likes this
  6. 5 hours ago, Tompa9 said:

    Hello community! I'm not sure if this was ever requested but I think it might be really cool if anyone of our skilled mappers can try to make Jedi Temple in the Imperial days, called The Imperial Palace. It was seat of Emperor Palpatine, hearth of the Empire.


    Seeing this throne room with Coruscant skybox around would be cool!


    It is definitely looking like Tower on Deathstar II so it has four parts

    It was already requested some months ago.

    Anyway, it could be interesting. Let's see who's the first to make this map.

    Tompa9 likes this
  7. On 9/18/2020 at 2:01 AM, Raisinbrand said:

    Is the following NSFW if we have Slave Leia models? ?

      Hide contents


    Dathomirian with pink dyed hair? Yes please. ?

    Let me know if I should take it down. ?

    What should be NSFW about it? You just put a character in a metal bikini, which is Star Wars related. If we can feature screenshots of the Leia in her metal bikini in the file section, this artwork shouldn't be an exception. However, it would be a completely different thing if it would contain full nudity.


  8. 3 hours ago, Protege said:

    Okay tyvm unneed ( i can guess ) but welcomed if u can tell me what ones arent needed

    You've downloaded a cgf file with tons of commands, therefore I assume that you were looking for a specific purpose. But which one? I can't tell what commands you need, or don't need, if I don't know what you were looking for.

    If you don't need the cgf file, simply remove it. Usually, that amount of commands isn't needed at all. But you can edit the already existing autoexec file and add some commands to it.

  9. 12 hours ago, Protege said:

    Please help, i dl a cfg drl from gamingcfg.com and the text ingame menu and main menu doesnt show up i use jamp 1.01 no mods.... anyone know how to fix it

    I have taken a look at the file. There are so many commands you don't really need. Just edit the file by removing all the commands that are not necessary for you. If that doesn't work, remove the file and see if it works.

    Also, make sure to rename the file as autoexec.cfg.

  10. 6 hours ago, Aldro Koon said:

    He's literally said "it will be very soon" back in March of 2019. It's legit been 1.5 years now.
    Even so, the waiting isn't an issue but it's rather that his communication had us excited.

    Hopefully it's nothing serious and he's doing well, regardless of the map.
    But it does make you wonder if it will ever be released.

    That's correct. But within one and a half years, so much can happen. He probably had, and still has, so much going on in his life that mapping has become a minor matter. After all, it's just a hobby, not a full-time job.

    I admit that my statement (which you conveniently quoted and marked) is not really correct, since his status reports have been vague recently. He may have raised hopes for a soon release, but those weren't promises. He merely reflected his current status, which can change. Maybe we should wait until he comes back and gives us a proper update, before this topic gets drowned in speculation. Until then, let's hope that he is well.

  11. Because your list contains some races that haven't been made, I moved this topic to the "Requests and Suggestions" section.


    Many of the races have been made, and there are some big mods that give them SP support. You should check out Galactic Legacy, which has tons of characters. https://www.moddb.com/mods/swgl/downloads

    Just download Part 1, Part 2 and the update, but not the launcher, since it has been discontinued.

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