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Posts posted by Lancelot

  1. @Lyo

    The menu is simply fantastic. It offers so many options and is yet simple and well organized. Another great thing is that you actually made use of the objectives menu instead of cramping all the new options in the normal game menu. And the main menu background was cleverly designed, especially how you used the flare where the JK logo actually is.

    Let me put it simple:



    Another thing that you could add, if possible, is a mission select menu.

    Lyo likes this
  2. On 10/15/2019 at 10:43 PM, ShenLong Kazama said:

    Until the thread gets locked that is. :ph34r:

    To be honest, I think that this would be a good decision. In this topic, there is no discussion at all anymore. On the other hand, it could be worse, as there is no violent trolling or anything.

    @Dart Vader, I can fully understand that you want this model. But you really should stop asking for "Any news?" or post random pictures here, as this ain't going to help at all. You must understand that projects like this one are easier requested than they are made. If it would be so easy to create a model just by uploading images of a certain character, this one would have been already finished.You must also keep in mind that projects like this one are done by people. It's all up to them to decide if they want to work on this model or not. And even if they do, there is no guarantee that they will constantly work on it. Some here have other projects they are working on, and many here have a life outside of this community (both personally and professionally). Please respect that

    Odeyseis, Jeff and Circa like this
  3. @DarthJMG2003

    If you are able to get permission from the original authors, it shouldn't be a problem to upload the mods. But if you can't get them on certain mods, you should contact the JKHub admins. Sometimes, if there is no way to contact the original author(s), admins make exceptions.

    Could you make a list of the mods you have? You could also mention the authors the mods are connected to (like "Anakin/Darth Vader" by Toshi). I'm really curious about what mods you have.

  4. Hi Lancelot

    You said you want to rescale jk2 textures too?

    Possible to join us in JKII: Remastered project? 

    Oh, I wish I could. The problem here is: As my trial version of Gigapixel AI has expired, I can't use it right now, except if I spend $99 to buy the full version. Furthermore, most textures, if not all, were accidently wiped after I had to clean out my PC.

    But if there is anything else you may need for the mod, and if it fits my skills, I would gladly take part in the project in some way.

  5. First of all, I want to say that anyone who attempts neural upscaling can post their results here as well!


    Several months ago, I was experimenting with Gigapixel A.I. to see how the cutscenes would look like if they were

    upscaled. I was just working with single images of certain cutscenes from both Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast, just to get an impression of the results.

    From the original 512x512 resolution, I managed to upscale them to a whopping 3072x3072.


    Like I said, I did these images months ago, so it is possible that, after some updates, the quality could be a lot better.










































































    I also planned to upscale and replace most of the game texures, but Jedi Academy crashed when I tried to test it.


    EDIT: @@Newmodder and @@Ivanael, if you have anything to contribute to this topic, feel free to do so. The screenshots above is all I have, and it interests me what you have to offer.

    DarthValeria and Smoo like this
  6. hey guys who wants me to make the star destroyer Vengeance's bridge from Dark Forces 2 or the Death Star's overbridge or Darth Vader's Castle on Mustafar or Krownest in GTKRadiant for Jedi Academy

    This is something that belongs in the Request and Suggestions section. Maybe you should post your ideas there. (by the way, Vader's Castle has been made already)

  7. Jedi Academy will be re-released as well? Fuck yeah!


    The only downside is the lack of mod support, but that is standard in console games, not to mention a rarity. As far as I know, Bethesda supports mods on the console versions of Fallout 4 and Skyrim.

    Maybe I just have to overcome my habit to have mods applied to enjoy the game as it is.


    They mentioned modernized controls, and I'm looking forward to see what they made with it. And it's great that those who were never able to play these games will

    now get the chance to do it.

    Smoo and Droidy365 like this
  8. ((if someone can delete the "." post above, it d be great. I am not used to the message interface and messed up double posting))

    You have one advantage on this forum: You can edit your posts. If you have a "." post again, just hit the edit button and add something else.

    In fact, you could try it out now. Just edit the "." post and write whatever you like.


    @@Jeff @@ShenLong Kazama

    It would be awesome to have more pun name characters, like Mace Windows.

    Jeff likes this
  9. I'll leave this tidbit here: DarthDerpo is making a mod for Old Republic duels, yet he has no skill in modding at all, nor has he actually played TOR.

    So, basically, he's driving a ship without a map and a compass. Without a direction, it's hard to build a foundation for a mod. I've already seen many mod attempts where one would say something like

    "Hey, I want to make a mod about [add something from Star Wars here]. It will be huge and fun", only to see the them go down and disappear.


    But I still wish him luck with the project, because every new one sustains the community. Maybe we're wrong and he and his team bring us a great mod.

    TheWhitePhoenix, Delmi and Tompa9 like this
  10. @@McGroose

    I've just taken a look at the mod's lightsabers. Honestly, some of them are not that much different from what we already have in the canon (next to the movies).

    For example, one of the lightsabers resembled the one from the Inquisitor. And besides, I think there are enough "wacky" lightsaber designs in the canon,

    like the one from Asajj Ventress, Count Dooku or Ezra Bridger. Hell, there is even a lightsaber rifle in the canon. But if you expect a six-bladed lightsaber that looks like

    a candleholder to be adapted into the canon, well, I can't help you with that. There will be so many lightsabers in the future, any maybe there will be at least one that is wacky enough for you.


    In regards to lightsaber designs, I think there is no good or bad, no right or wrong. Just let every lightsaber have it's own design, because there is no point in criticizing it. Also, it doesn't look that much different from Darth Maul's lightsaber, except that this one is foldable. Personally, I'm excited to see Dark Rey's lightsaber in action. It may not be a "Darth-Maul-activates-his-double-bladed-lightsaber" excitement I had back in 1999, but still.


    Okay, I may have went off-topic, but I just wanted to have it off my chest. Move along, move along.

    Delmi and McGroose like this
  11. System Error


    The program can't start because MSVCP140.dll is missing from your

    computer. Try Reinstalling the program to fix this problem. 


    I really don't want to reinstall because I use mobile data for my ISP :(

    and it took all night here are the files 




    Can I email admin the screenshot of my files ?. They are all located in;


    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Jedi Academy\GameData

    Just take a look at this topic: https://jkhub.org/topic/11015-errors-when-trying-to-start/

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