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Posts posted by Lancelot

  1. @ClanKryze511

    Okay, that's good. It may be one picture, but at least it shows that you are actually working on something.

    Maybe you should start small before you get to work on a big mod. Anything else is crazy, especially if you are literally the only one working on this project. Just take the map that you put the most effort in, finish it up (it doesn't have to be perfect) and show us the results. Who knows, maybe it will inspire others to join and help you out.

    Asgarath83 and TheWhitePhoenix like this
  2. @ClanKryze511

    I understand that you want to make a mod, which is actually a good thing. But looking at this thread, all I see is just ideas and no actual mod material. Sure, if enough people would take part in it, you could have so much more than that. A mod this ambitious is done with a dedicated team, not by a single person.

    From what I understand, you're currently trying to work on this alone, right? If yes, that's a red flag, and you should better stop working on this mod before you put too much stress on you for no reason. Also:

    1 hour ago, ClanKryze511 said:

    and look I'm barely trying to not to get angry and stressed out right now between what @Tompa9 said yesterday to me an 18 year old and being stressed out about this argument that my mom and aunt and uncle (who are my mom's brother and sister) about our pieces of house land after my grandmother died. so I got a lot on on my plate here.

    This is another sign that there are much more important things than creating a mod. Trust me, you don't want to get stressed. So many modders have abandoned mods, or even left the community, because too much stress has built up on them. This isn't worth it.

  3. @Circa

    It has always looked that way in the original video. Apart from the enhancement, nothing was changed there. Yes, 4K would be way too much, but it's just for testing purposes.

    Also, here's something interesting: In both games, the cutscenes have a rather bad quality. They not only have artifacts, but also black bars. However, the cutscenes of the Gamecube version of Jedi Outcast is actually superior to the PC version! They have no black bars at all and the picture is much clearer. I was able to extract those files with the file explorer of the Dolphin Emulator (for that, I made a backup of my own legal copy of that version), and I used some of them for the upscaling process. Which leads us to the next video:

    Jedi Outcast - Cutscene #2 (HD, 60fps)

    Smoo and Circa like this
  4. 58 minutes ago, Circa said:

    That looks really good, wow. As far as supporting a higher resolution, I'm sure it's possible through the code. I assume you tried it already and it didn't work?

    I haven't tried it yet, because of the complicity of converting something properly for the game. I just wanted to try the software's capabilities (Topaz Video Enhance AI). But if there's a way to actually get higher resolution videos working, maybe I could get more serious about this project.

    Here's another attempt. It was supposed to be in 4K, but it was reduced to HD. Still, compared to the original resolution, it turned out impressive.

    Jedi Academy - Cutscene #1 (HD, 60fps)

    Circa likes this
  5. 15 hours ago, Smooさん said:

    My gf's macbook doesn't even have enough storage for this mod haha

    If only the whole Mac compatibility problem for this mod could be solved just by adding more storage into your girlfriend's Macbook. But if you know someone who is good at programming stuff for Mac, and happens to have enough storage, the KotF team could add support for it again.

    Smoo likes this
  6. 55 minutes ago, LusoJedi said:

    Many years ago, I started a translation of the game to portuguese but I never got to finish it at the time. Since then, I lost the files and never tried to start over. Now I've decided to do it again, but where at the time the text files were easily found, now I'm unable to find them. I'm looking at 'assets2.pk3', and inside the language folders I only find 'credits.str', 't3_bounty.str' and 'objectives.str' (the latter is missing in the 'english' folder).

    Does anyone know where the rest of the files are located?

    Thanks in advance.

    The other files are located in 'assets0.pk3'.

    Smoo likes this
  7. I've found another Jedi Academy related website that I though was lost. Flash needs to be activated in order to see this website in its full glory.


    It even had a download section, but since all character models were connected to FileFront (which is now GameFront), it's no longer possible to download them. Surprisingly, the files they offered in The Game section are still downloadable, but much of the content has probably become obsolete by now. Also interesting is the Scenes section, where they replicated moments from the films.

    They also had a request section for characters, maps and vehicles. Maybe there are some that still need to be made? As the list was made ages ago, I will mark those that definitely are green.



    Barris Offee

    Pablo Jill

    Adi Gallia

    Obi-Wan Kenobi (Attack of the Clones)


    Mas Amedda

    Bib Fortuna

    Nute Gunray


    Grand Moff Tarkin

    Super Battle Droid

    Anakin Skywalker (The Phantom Menace)


    Nien Nunb

    Max Reebo

    Endor Rebel



    Battle of Endor

    Geonosis Arena

    Battle of Hoth

    Battle of Naboo

    Battle of Geonosis



    Anakin's Speederbike (Attack of the Clones)

    Pod Racers

    Trade Federation Fighter (Vulture Droid,)




    Aldro Koon, Odeyseis and Smoo like this
  8. 3 hours ago, VHS said:

    Here's what all was in it:
    seta r_customwidth "1680"
    seta r_customheight "1050"
    seta cg_fov "90"
    seta r_mode "-1"

    seta cg_dynamicCrosshair "0"
    seta cg_crosshairSize "12"
    seta cg_crosshairX "3"
    seta cg_crosshairY "5"
    seta cg_crosshairIdentifyTarget "0"
    seta cg_crosshairForceHint "0"
    seta ui_iscensored "0"
    seta broadsword "1"
    seta helpusobi "1"
    seta g_dismemberment "3"
    seta g_dismemberProbabilities "100"
    seta g_saberrealisticcombat "1"
    seta g_saberPickuppableDroppedSabers "1"
    seta cg_dismember "100"
    seta g_dismember "100"
    seta cg_dismember "3"
    seta cg_renderToTextureFX "0"

    My suggestion: Remove all the lines that I marked red, and keep those that are green. If it doesn't work, remove the autoexec entirely. It may be a pain to play the game in 16:9 with 4:3 resolutions, but at least it's not misalligned. In regards to 16:9 resolutions, there are enough mods that add support for it.

    Odeyseis and VHS like this
  9. 12 hours ago, VHS said:

    I didn't really modify anything, I added an autoexec.cfg file and put everything in there.

    Nope, sorry Lance but that doesn't do anything. Even before modifying the game it still had this issue.

    Got any other ideas?

    Whenever I have problems like this one, I always do the following: cleaning the entire base folder from any mods, no matter if they are relevant or not. Sometimes it works, but if not, I uninstall the game, remove what is left in the Jedi Academy folder and reinstall the game (in my case, I do it through Steam). Once there is a clean installation, without any mods added, I try it again and see if it works. Then I put the mods back in the base folder, one by one.

  10. I might be wrong, but I think this may be the reason:

    33 minutes ago, VHS said:

    I've set the game files to be in widescreen.

    Which game files did you modify exactly? Because if you modified files from the base folder, it is possible that it affects other mods as well. I suggest that you should reinstall this game, but without modifying anything once it's installed, and see if the problem is still there.

    VHS and Odeyseis like this
  11. 2 hours ago, Lord Of Hate said:

    Rianna Saren from SW: Lethal Alliance?:



    Her in-game model is dis-gust-ingly awful (she barely looks like a being) on both the PSP and DS, so figured you could do her better justice as a kitbash.

    I actually wanted to defend the quality of the playermodel, because we're talking about handheld consoles that were released in 2004/2005, a time when it was really impressive to run 3D games on mobile consoles. But on the other hand, it's a Ubisoft game, so it doesn't surprise me that the characters don't look as good as in other DS/PSP games. Even Battlefront 2 for PSP looked better than this, which was released a year before Lethal Alliance.

    Anyway, I think it would be interesting to see a recreation of the character. It shouldn't be a huge problem to use one of the existing Twi'lek models we already have and kitbash a decent looking model out of it.

    Jeff likes this
  12. 2 hours ago, Leaxhe said:

    this is not spoiler. leaked images published before movie

    Of course it is a spoiler. Just because someone took some photos from the screen doesn't make the content automatically spoiler free.

    For those who have already seen the movie, it's not a spoiler of course. But for those who haven't seen it yet, it is.

  13. 25 minutes ago, Pahricida said:

    Hey guys I'm Pahri and I did some modding for this game like 10+ years ago.

    Any experienced modellers around that are willing to point me to the best tools/plugins to use in almost 2020 ?


    Specifically: I used 3DsMax in the past are there newer easier tools around and am I able to import .glm with weighting still intact?

    As far as I know, several plugins have been made to work with newer 3DS Max versions. Just take a look at the utilities. Maybe there is something that may be interesting for you.



  14. 7 minutes ago, hakroy said:

    i have a problem with the launcher .

     when i try to installed the mod it does very slowly make it almost imposible to complete the installation like is 10 gb long make it 1 hour max to finish installing but it is broken  making the installation ethernal

    i only want help to fix this error


    That issue has been already discussed in this topic: https://jkhub.org/forums/topic/11449-launcher-installs-updates-incredibly-slowly/

    Long story short: It's a server issue, and the team is trying to fix it.

    Odeyseis likes this
  15. @Linken

    I've checked this, with the newest updater and with an older one (KotF_Launcher.8). In both cases, while the files are downloading, they're doing it very slowly.

    Maybe it's not a problem with the launcher itself, but more of a server issue.


    I guess you're new to the mod? If yes, be patient until the problem is solved (and besides, downloading issues don't equal the mod's quality). Once you get to download this mod, you'll see how much fun it is.

    Odeyseis likes this
  16. 57 minutes ago, ooeJack said:

    Oohhhhh! That! Yea man. Of course you can do that! Sorry I didn't catch that before!

    That required 3 separate icon files, named:

    1. "icon_default"
    2. "icon_red"
    3. "icon_blue"

    These icons have to be saved where your default icon is saved, which is in the "base/models/players/<Your Model/Character/Project name>/".
    In there you put your 3 icon files as listed above. If you've already got your icon_default set up, then you'll do fine with getting a red and blue version of it.

    When you use your red and blue version of your character, the game will use the red/blue icon. ?

    I think this is what you're looking for. Good luck, and let us know how it turns out!

    I think what he really means is adjusting the colour of a certain model in the selection menu, like you can do with the skin of a Twi'lek and certain parts on the clothing. Maui wants to add just that to his model.

  17. On 11/7/2019 at 11:05 PM, please_help said:

    Hi everyone,

    thank you in advance for any help you can provide. I accidentally updated to Catalina so now my steam version of JK doesn't work. I found this website an the github page which seemed to suggest I could once again play JK on my updated mac. However, after following the instructions and moving the files to the 'contents' folder, I am greeted by this message:

    "couldn't load default.cfg"

    I have no idea how to solve this as I've followed all the steps very closely. I updated homebrew and everything. Please can someone help me? My childhood is slipping away. Thank you all. Kind regards_

    My guess would be that the OpenJK version you have is not compatible with your current operating system. If that's the case, you either have to try the latest build or you have to wait until the compatibility is added to OpenJK.

    But maybe it's just a reason I can't explain, as I don't have a Mac.

  18. 13 hours ago, Lyo said:

    Thanks for your feedback Lancelot ?


    The purpose of this mod is to use the full potential of the basic game's possibilities. Obviously it contains a menu to select a mission, one to select an MP map in SP to use the NPC Spawner for example, etc. There are in the new game menu.

    There are new small features in all menus, you can also use the arrows on ingame menu to switch into camera, npc spawner, cheats menus. Look at the screenshots to see some examples... ^^

    Try them all ?

    Ah, I didn't notice the custom game menu. I just loaded an existing savegame and tested the menus. This is like a pocket version of Knights of the Force.

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