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Posts posted by Lancelot

  1. 2 hours ago, Torki said:

    The Movie Battles 2 team is working on it.

    Ah, I should've known that already. If you see something new in Star Wars, you can already assume that the Movie Battles team is already working on it. They are a working seemingly tirelessly on new content. We need that kind of spirit here on this site.

  2. 34 minutes ago, BlindDaThief said:

    Makes sense. What a missed opportunity!

    And this is where we come in. This model could serve as a perfect template. Somebody could take the model, trace its shape in Blender and use it as a basis for a more detailed model. Of course the traced model should only resemble the actual model, as anything else would technically count as porting.

    BlindDaThief likes this
  3. 13 hours ago, BlindDaThief said:

    I think it looks almost unfinished.. a bit too human and stormtroopery. But gotta start somewhere! Once I'm back at the computer I'll take a look but either way, thanks Omega! Huge help!

    Keep in mind that the model was taken from the Battlefront 3 assets. If the game wouldn't have been cancelled, I think they probably would've made him more detailed.

  4. 1 hour ago, UM-3154 said:

    sorry for the discontinuity, I would like to publish models often, but unfortunately I am aware of time, and therefore it is not easy to work peacefully, so I cannot accept requests for models, I just follow my program, thanks for understanding

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    The Green Goblin reminds me of the time I played the 2002 Spider-Man game over and over again. It would be cool if someone could make a higher quality model of it.

    HUM-3154, Omega and Xioth like this
  5. 44 minutes ago, kiririnshi01 said:

    @Lancelot sadly not a coder i wanted to have OpenJk as a simple USB portable game ,well is not like you can't use jedi academy as portable on USB drive problem is in win10 you need to add to DEP exceptions well i wanted to avoid that and using some of the best player models made that work only on OpenJK (sadly nobody made an asi limit adjuster for Jedi Academy) i just hope they change that and return to portability in the next update of OpenJK (waiting for this for years main reason i still don't change)

    I don't know how this could be achieved. And if something like that was possible on OpenJK at one point, there must have been a reason why they removed it.

  6. Both jumps are good in their own way and take advantage of their game mechanics.

    In Dark Forces II, there is a lot of platforming, so jumping is necessary to reach certain parts easily.

    Jedi Outcast/Academy on the other hand is more combat oriented. A charged jump wouldn't really make sense there, because you have to react quickly. Keep in mind, especially Jedi Academy has a very acrobatic combat style compared to Dark Forces II, so it would look silly if the player jumps twenty feet high just to dodge an attack.

    But it would still be interesting to see the charged jump in Outcast/Academy. If there is a way to add a level 4, maybe it should be put in there.

  7. 12 hours ago, Lord Of Hate said:

    You are doing God's work here, buddy.

    And what about the original game designers? In fact, it's their "God's work", because they are the reason why these models exist in the first place. Porting models is nothing compared to actually creating them. To put it into perspective: Would you tell someone who has printed a picture made by someone else that he is a great artist?

    I'm sorry to be the smartass here, but it had to be said. We should all remember that creative minds have spent hours to create just one of the models displayed here. And that shouldn't be taken for granted.

    Jolly, ChalklYne, Psyk0Sith and 1 other like this
  8. Greetings, my friends. This topic is dedicated to all the fans of the Star Wars Legends continuity in all its forms, be it comics, books or even games.

    One more thing: Keep it civil, guys. Talk about what you want (so long as it's EU/Legends related) and have fun.


    Personally, I am not really into the Legends continuity. While I have watched the Ewok films and played many of the games outside of the Jedi Knight series (Republic Commando, KotOR, The Force Unleashed, Shadows of the Empire and the Rogue Squadron games), I have payed little attention to other material. I own several books, but I never finished them. Star Wars is always supposed to be visual for me, and I find it hard to imagine new characters if I don't have a visual basis to work with. But who knows, maybe I get over it one day and start the books again.

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