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Everything posted by Bek

  1. Bek

    TFU Stormie

    No, this is dt's stormtrooper that he made awhile back.
  2. I did a reskin with the textures, provided to me by Langerd and uploaded it to Sketchfab.
  3. Thanks for all your help everybody!! @@Langerd, @@Psyk0Sith, @
  4. No problem go right ahead! Would you know of any tutorials that show you how to import blender models into jka?
  5. Thanks so much @@Langerd, I've been spending the past couple of months trying to texture some of my models, but had very little success. Your tutorial, however, has helped me out immensely . I also now see the benefits to making things much more lowpoly. Btw: the model looks awesome now! Edit: @@Langerd, could you send the model over, so I can study from it.
  6. From what I remember, the canon exile had blond hair.
  7. Sure here you go, the textures still aren't perfect, but it better then it was before. https://www.dropbox.com/s/067cbbuw8dhozdw/Axe.rar?dl=0
  8. I decided to go with @@Langerd's advice and reduce the verts on the model. Now all I have to do is bake the textures and add shaders. Edit: updated with textures.
  9. I'm using two different textures, for two separate models.
  10. Well I haven't yet applied it to the model, but what I have been doing is reorganizing the Uvs to fit the map. I did test out your method on a cylinder and I think it'll work for the lowpoly version of it. I'll post it here when I'm done. As of right now I have to deal with schoolwork. I haven't seen that option for blender, but I'll look for anything similar to it. What do you mean by hidden?
  11. So lately I've been trying to texture this axe. And I've been having some problems: As you can see the top part of the axe is ok, but the bottom part is kinda wonky. The hilt of the axe is supposed to be made of leather, but when I applied the texture, it looks kinda strange. Here are the uvs for the hilt: Clearly the uvs are kinda messed up, but I have no idea how to correctly add a seam that will make the uvs look proper. If anyone has any ideas on how to map it properly, then let me know please.
  12. That was you, dude?! I listen to your vids all the time!
  13. Bek

    Rooxon's Rosh Penin

    Nice to see something new from you, buddy!
  14. ↓ Too many.

    1. CommanderXeph
    2. Bek


      I'm referring to the amount of statuses updates you're making, buddy. I just think you should limit the amount you can make so others can reply to them, because the previous statuses you make get deleted after you make a new one.

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