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Hey Pals :)


Is this possible to port this snoke model to jka? :D



This is actually a Voldemort model that was altered to resemble Snoke (can be read in the description). The only part of the model that could be used is the head. It can be frankensteined on a Jedi Academy playermodel afterwards.

But here's the tricky part if somebody is trying to port it: Should EA, the original authors, be credited? Should the author(s) who ported and modified that model be credited? Or maybe both?

GPChannel and Omega like this

I gotta say that snoke model is really good, I mean yeah if we could at least get the head ported that would be awesome or better yet the whole thing. This one I want to see in JKA, I'm glad GPChannel found this!  :)

  • 1 year later...

I believe, it's finally time to have Snoke for JKA, as now thanks to his bigger role in the upcoming Episode 8 The Last Jedi we have better reference images of him. Speaking of that I just found there's already a latex mask for adults of him:



I agree.


We for sure know he can use the force, and even if couldn't he belongs in this game.

Lancelot likes this

We definitely need Snoke. A model from scratch would be great, because anything else wouldn't do him justice. You could make a kitbash, but it would be just another reskin of a ported head, glued on the body of either HapSlash's Anakin or HapSlash's Obi-Wan, which would be wrong in many ways.

dark_apprentice likes this

We definitely need Snoke. A model from scratch would be great, because anything else wouldn't do him justice. You could make a kitbash, but it would be just another reskin of a ported head, glued on the body of either HapSlash's Anakin or HapSlash's Obi-Wan, which would be wrong in many ways.

A port could be fine too.


I'm not even sure we have ANY straight up modelers from scratch at this point, I think they're all semi-retired.

I'm here, but I have more than enough projects to finish as of now. Langerd and Scerendo are here too.


And there are a lot of you new guys who could take the step away from porting and start to learn modeling from scratch. When you have the time to spend hours nagging people to port models to play with, you could also spend that time reading Tutorials and then spent an evening modeling for instead of playing games.


Nobody expects someones first model to be brilliantly awesome - but unless you take the first step we, the more experienced modellers, can not help you progress by pushing you in the right direction down that path.

ChalklYne, Wasa, Psyk0Sith and 1 other like this

I'm here, but I have more than enough projects to finish as of now. Langerd and Scerendo are here too.


And there are a lot of you new guys who could take the step away from porting and start to learn modeling from scratch. When you have the time to spend hours nagging people to port models to play with, you could also spend that time reading Tutorials and then spent an evening modeling for instead of playing games.


Nobody expects someones first model to be brilliantly awesome - but unless you take the first step we, the more experienced modellers, can not help you progress by pushing you in the right direction down that path.

I don't even know how to rip sound files from games.


I gave up trying to even add SP support to a model last night, it was too much for my brain and I got incredibly frustrated and straight up gave up out of anger because I couldn't figure out how to do it.


The only way I could learn how to model, is by watching a step-by-step live demonstration that showed me every single aspect of how to model from a person, and if it takes any artistic genius then I'm screwed, because I cannot make art.


They would literally have to take full hours out of their day, showing me "this does this, this does that", "here's how to make a circle", "here's how to make a face".


None, absolutely NONE of the tutorials on youtube, this site, or any site, have helped me at all, not even the tiniest bit, I'm still utterly confused about how to use it.


I'm not trying to be rude, I strive to be nice, but everyone on the website is so stand-offish, and at some point even aggressive towards those who would rather port and request.


I learned everything with 1 written tutorial, there was no such thing as video tutorials back then:



If you want a no brainer video tutorial then watch this series:



He's got a whole bunch of "retro" art making too:



Even if you're not a max user, the modeling is so basic that you can follow along and do the same in any other software.



Wasa, ChalklYne, Langerd and 1 other like this

I don't even know how to rip sound files from games.

Not even closely related 

I gave up trying to even add SP support to a model last night, it was too much for my brain and I got incredibly frustrated and straight up gave up out of anger because I couldn't figure out how to do it.

Welcome to modding. Everybody here has given up for the night multiple times, I guarantee it. Just start fresh today and you will eventually achieve. This is a typical life lesson. If at first you don't succeed... try try again bro.

The only way I could learn how to model, is by watching a step-by-step live demonstration that showed me every single aspect of how to model from a person, and if it takes any artistic genius then I'm screwed, because I cannot make art.

YouTube man. What program are you using? That's how we all learned. You can find a tutorial that works for you... it is a wonderful talent to achieve that will stick with you for life but it is going to take some effort on your part and the drive to stick with it.

They would literally have to take full hours out of their day, showing me "this does this, this does that", "here's how to make a circle", "here's how to make a face".

That's exactly how tutorials work.

None, absolutely NONE of the tutorials on youtube, this site, or any site, have helped me at all, not even the tiniest bit, I'm still utterly confused about how to use it.

Simmer down. What program are you using? Are you on discord? We can fine tune which tutorials to show you and get you dialed into the basics... don't freak out man. It's not as easy when you're first starting... it's actually quite a whore, but she gets tamer and more docile the more you poke her.


I'm not trying to be rude, I strive to be nice, but everyone on the website is so stand-offish, and at some point even aggressive towards those who would rather port and request.

Welcome to the internet. Ports are bad mmkay? There's plenty of threads on this site explaining why ports are bad. Also... just because you made a request doesn't mean you'll get it your way all wham bammy... looks like the community has decided this particular character would be best portrayed by a unique custom model, not a port. Your request wasn't denied* you're just not getting a port of a port of a Frankenstein for such an iconic character. Answer my questions so we can hook you up with decent program specific tutorials about the basics of modeling you will thank us in the long run. Maybe not me in particular. .. I'm a dick... but you get what I'm saying. I'm here to help man... things aren't that bad... I love you.
Wasa and AshuraDX like this

Wait for EP8 rather than starting creating new Snoke model. Snoke has still time to be created aslong he was officially shown only as hologram (ok he was in trailer but only few seconds so Im sure further concept arts or official pictures would do modellers favor)

Jeff and General Howard like this

Nobody expects someones first model to be brilliantly awesome

I beg to differ. The biggest issue I have with this community is the harshness that is exhibited towards those learning at times. There are certainly many who are immune to that, but many more who are outright rude rather than constructive.


I learned everything with 1 written tutorial, there was no such thing as video tutorials back then:



If you want a no brainer video tutorial then watch this series:



He's got a whole bunch of "retro" art making too:



Even if you're not a max user, the modeling is so basic that you can follow along and do the same in any other software.




Thank you! I'm starting to model basic stuff and I had a really hard time finding tutorials since most of the links are old and dead. 

Psyk0Sith and AshuraDX like this

I beg to differ. The biggest issue I have with this community is the harshness that is exhibited towards those learning at times. There are certainly many who are immune to that, but many more who are outright rude rather than constructive.

There are just as many people who highly praise a badly done port or reskin. Give me an example (link to post) of said harshness to someone who just started learning to make something from scratch, I have yet to see that around here. My crits become harsher the more often I criticize the same flaw across different creations by the same author, just ask @@JAWSFreelao about the history of my comments regarding his UV Unwrapping :D

Wasa and Teancum like this

There are just as many people who highly praise a badly done port or reskin. Give me an example (link to post) of said harshness to someone who just started learning to make something from scratch, I have yet to see that around here.

Touche the port thing. People do drool over ports. But I don't see eye to eye with scratch builders on that front either, really. I know they want everything to be community made, and I think that's great, but the demand is so much higher than the community can supply.


As far as an example, I don't want to call anyone out, I don't think it's right. I felt the criticism pretty clearly when working on the Dark Forces mod, to be honest. I think many took the notion of "it's not good enough", whereas I took the stance of "well nobody's helping anyway... so". Sometimes it feels very Little Red Hen. To be fair, I suppose the harshness comes from the (what I deem as) incredibly high standards the JKHub community has.


But I'm not looking to start any arguments. Truthfully it's why I try to stay quiet most of the time. This community is very different from most modding communities I've been around in my 15+ years of modding, and I try to respect the way you guys do things without getting *too* vocal.

Jeff and dark_apprentice like this

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