Packed together by: @Tompa9
All of you i think saw a strange eyes in this model. Well and this Reborn looks too quiet even he is a Sith.
So ... i changed them. Face and eyes ... In my opinion they are more Sith like than before. And i changed icons in multiplayer.
Anyway Thank You for downloading my little modification ^^ (skin)!
This file also completely remasters JKII: Jedi Outcast Reborns with new HD model based on RPG sourcebook and invents new female Reborn Dual variant.
/npc spawn reborn
/npc spawn rebornfencer
/npc spawn rebornacrobat
/npc spawn rebornforceuser
/npc spawn rebornboss
/npc spawn reborndark
/npc spawn reborn_dual
/npc spawn reborn_dual2