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Everything posted by Omicron

  1. Nice frags! What LMD servers are still around? I thought it all died out
  2. All Seeing Eye
  3. This guy's stuff is awesome vv
  4. I'd also be interested in both version which he posted. I was too late in downloading them D:
  5. Omicron


    hey der Slinky
  6. Make a .bat file in your gamedata folder that says: openjk.x86.exe +set fs_game "japlus"Then launch the game with that.
  7. Could you link the qui-gon model you used before you did the alterations to it?
  8. Probably not if no one has said they would have 3 pages of discussion.
  9. What does his MB3 Revan look like? Was it the one he posted a few months ago with his zbrish time lapse videos?
  10. Make a shortcut to openjk.x86.exe, right click it, go to properties, and at the end of the directory shown in target, write +set fs_game OpenJK
  11. Why not just play Forcemod III?
  12. Omicron

    Santa Claus

    Best secret santa gift ever. The gif added so much more to it
  13. is there a way to download it all at once in one zip file (like dropbox can)? EDIT: Nvm, worked out how. I need to sign in and save it to my drive, then open it in drive and clikc on the folder's tav next to my drive, and download as zip from the dropdown menu
  14. Omicron

    Secret Santa 2014

    Thanks Circa for the gifts! I already told you that I realised how unrealistic my list was, but I'm glad I asked you about the Keldor And the kyle/santa is hilarious, loving it!
  15. If you only added a shader, then of course it wouldn't get approved. Still has ripped textures
  16. I assumed that by 'liking' your post, it would imply that I like the new sounds Feedback: I think the addition of the announcer for the awards is definitely good, doesn't really have any drawbacks. Is/are there sounds for C3-P0 that also announce the awards? Some people may prefer that to Mon Mothma and so would like to hear them instead.
  17. When I click the link, all I see is pink. This happens with any model I view on SketchFab, could be due to my lack of gpu though
  18. Was wondering when we'd get it here. Would be cool to also get Bumblebee on here too
  19. The first fog is my favourite, green doesn't suit it well imo
  20. Hey there, welcome!
  21. I don't like the new shape you've done for the Champion hilt; It's my favourite base staff hilt and it just looks really silly to me having it curved like that
  22. It's quite hard to tell what it is meant to be on the base hilt. Perhaps varnished wood that has got dirty?
  23. For the (what I assume is) wood on Vindicator, I'd add some knots, as it looks too smooth and 'perfect'. Doesn't have to be many, nor do they have to be that bug, but a few would make it look more realistic imo
  24. Not a huge fan of the flare. I'd have it be active a little longer, and be fully white, The yellow doesn't suit it at all imo
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