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Everything posted by Omicron

  1. Damn that map looks nice. With bloom it'd be really slick
  2. I see your point here. I agree with you in the first/last sentence, however that doesn't mean it doesn't take a lot of work to become as good as the top players (also doesn't make a it a bad thing either imo). "Use of recycled tactics", eh. I guess so, but it's all about perfecting said tactics and being better than your opponents, which takes time and becomes harder the further up the ladder you go.
  3. Link to the map doesn't work.
  4. Consistency of damage dealt, doing it while hitting moving players (with good movement), that's where it gets hard. You could use this exact logic in most fps games: Headshots are easy, it gets hard and requires skill when you take into account player movement, tactics, their experience, etc. You're no longer the only person with this 'ability' to deal high amounts of damage, so other factors are put on the table. The headshots is just the final execution. No. As someone who has played on and off for a few years now, I can 'poke' but when I'm up against better players it becomes far more difficult for me to execute it well. See above point & analogy to get what I mean here (as an example). "These times". So you think getting good (and implying to reach the top level?) shouldn't require a lot of time and work? I'm sorry but that's just stupid.
  5. It takes a degree of skill to be able to kill someone with one hit (ie, using poke, aim, wiggle, etc), not sure why you see it as being awful.
  6. Odd. Check the log files, they might show something.
  7. What other mods do you have installed? Do you get any error messages in the console (when it crashes)?
  8. In the menu there's an option for "Always run" or something similar. Try that.
  9. So... Nothing like Scotland then.
  10. Quite literally everything except for the menu's and translations.
  11. Ahh, I assumed you had one but it wasn't working (cause the texture looks fine). What @@Kannos'v Lightdust said but without the q3map_ bits (they won't do anything).
  12. Post your current shader.
  13. Does this happen to all your hair textures? Some have got a dpethWrite while others don't and I'm curious if those work or not.
  14. Working on a cortana skin. Got the nude body done but fuck the patterns are a pain in the arse

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Omicron


      Neither atm. Skin isn't going to be perfect (has to wear shoes for instance) but I may make a request for new hair and feet once the textures are finished.

    3. Ramikad


      The Ripley model is barefoot, for what it's worth.

    4. Omicron


      It looks like it's the shoes which have been reskinned, will dl later and have a proper look though. Thanks

  15. I would mirror the face texture, certainly the mouth and right eye. They really bother me. Looks pretty solid otherwise.
  16. http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/171-omicrons-skinning-tutorial-2/ Have a read of that, if there's a bit you don't understand, ask.
  17. OpenJK Boba Fett's Ultra Utility (BobaFett) [Won't work with OpenJK] Fixed jawa sounds (eez) Fixed voice chat (eez) Complete console font (eez) Textureless swoopbike fix (MagSul) Jaden Hoth clothing fix (minilogoguy, there's a bunch of these made by various people) Improved sniper scope (MUG) Boba Fett with jetpack in MP (Myself, shamelessly adding to the list) Restored character sounds from Jedi Outcast (Oobah, a number of authors have made similar mods) Official Raven bonus maps (Raven, vastly underplayed imo but some servers may use them) JA++ (Raz)
  18. I'd miss casually browsing through the mods there for prolonged periods of time and being pleasantly surprised when I found something I liked
  19. Just doesn't look very 'professional' to me when your screenshots are surrounded by porn-related links. I tend to use dropbox for sharing my images, but imgur is good; although it automatically deletes them after x many months if not viewed iirc.
  20. Is this the pack? http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/The_New_Revan_Dark_Weapons;46693
  21. Might I suggest not using postimg for sharing screenshots? Reminds me of JKG, the feels man. Good stuff
  22. Just saw GotG... Only thing I liked was the soundtrack/"Awesome Mix", the rest came across as pretty lame

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Omicron
    3. Onysfx


      Saw it myself, I agree, it kinda sucked.

    4. Bane_Ross


      Aww I liked it... :'(

  23. What to do when bored of JKA?

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Omicron


      Would be terrible for me as I do rock climbing. Need a high power:weight ratio rather than huge ass muscles.

    3. Flynn


      play cs:go it's addicting

    4. z3filus


      play INSURGENCY that is addictive :D


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