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Status Replies posted by Omicron

  1. Google Chrome's inspect element stuff is way shittier than FF or Opera, even. I am disappoint.

  2. Google Chrome's inspect element stuff is way shittier than FF or Opera, even. I am disappoint.

  3. Google Chrome's inspect element stuff is way shittier than FF or Opera, even. I am disappoint.

  4. This is a test from my own build I thought I'd share, it is Boba Fett's HUD. all credits to Darth Norman for the original. https://www.dropbox....zzz_fetthud.zip

  5. My Koobaburra sponsorship for hockey just got approved, I now get 65% off most of their stuff :)

  6. Getting things completed!

  7. Getting things completed!

  8. Well... on Oct. 18, I wanted GTA V on PC. Nobody got it for me. Feeling sad because it's so good. :/

  9. Please tell me it's normal to still screw up power chords after 6+ months of guitar ;_; This shit is getting ridiculous. I'll probably have to find a ... *gulp* ... teacher

  10. If you want to ban e-cigarettes, you have to ban Nicotine patches and gums too. Actually, e-cigarettes are probably a much better treatment... and many studies show that it is actually beneficial to health. I'm not ''smoking'' them and I probably never will, but come on....

  11. Locking your status to get your point across seems like a pretty weak move.

  12. JKHub is a fan of Halloween, in case you didn't know. (clear your cache if you can't see the new theme)

  13. Finaly bought the Thrawn Trilogy Soundbook! :) Yay!

  14. Jedi Outcast just arrived; going to install it tomorrow and start the campaign :)

  15. Jedi Outcast just arrived; going to install it tomorrow and start the campaign :)

  16. Jedi Outcast just arrived; going to install it tomorrow and start the campaign :)

  17. Jedi Outcast just arrived; going to install it tomorrow and start the campaign :)

  18. Jedi Outcast just arrived; going to install it tomorrow and start the campaign :)

  19. Jedi Outcast just arrived; going to install it tomorrow and start the campaign :)

  20. Jedi Outcast just arrived; going to install it tomorrow and start the campaign :)

  21. Running Ubuntu. Make of that what you will.

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