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Everything posted by Droidy365

  1. I'm glad you like those names And I do see your point - The Noghri is quite a primitive race, but it would be quite interesting. If I remember correctly, I'm pretty sure there were quite a few Noghri Jedi in the RotS game, so I don't think a Noghri Scientist would be too far-fetched. Perhaps it might be better to come up with a different theme for this guy. I still think a cloak of some kind and goggles would be a cool look for one, though. Maybe the scientist could be an unlockable skin? By the way, I was talking about the menu where you can change your follower's weapon - you'd have to change it to include the Noghri Stick and a few other weapons, like the repeater for the Mando. The sort of science I was mostly thinking of was mostly the technological science, so that could possibly work. As for the name, Xanath is perfectly fine, if it does indeed fit better into the Star Wars universe. @@Noodle As for the Mandalorian, I feel the same way. I don't want it to just be some generic copy/paste Mandalorian. I want this one to sort of stand out. Perhaps the Jetpack could be a feature that can be unlocked, the same could probably go for the Noghri's cloak. Now, the back-stories - they would sort of depend on what planet this mod is set on, if it is even a planet (it might be some kind of space-station for all I know.) With all the Kel-Dor around the place, one could assume it's Dorin, planet of the Kel-Dor. Though, that could be completely wrong, too. Another thing I'm kinda curious about is the Voice Acting - Will this mod have any? If so, how much? With how the Conversation menu looks and sounds, I'd assume it'll be limited Voice Acting, but even then you need some sounds. Some of the voices would be quite difficult, like the Noghri.
  2. That's awesome! I wonder how that would work Also, follower ideas with crappy descriptions - I'm sure you can come up with something for their descriptions: Xanathe Bulthner: A Noghri warrior that looks kinda sciencey, if you know what I mean by that. He'd wear a sort of coat and goggles, use a Noghri Stick, a disruptor and may or may not have a cloaking device. You'd probably have to edit the weapons menu. Kara Starfallen: A badass female Mandalorian. I would probably use Ruusaan from this mod and provide credit: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1470-skirata-mandalorian/ She'd have a repeater, a blaster and a disruptor. May or may not have a jet-pack. That's all for now. Also, I kinda like @@Ramikad's idea, too - you don't see Dafels too often.
  3. That's a pretty cool idea, actually. Also, I noticed the droid had an imperial skin - will there be any game mechanics involving disguises? IMO that would be awesome lol.
  4. @@DarthDementous That voice sounds a hell of a lot like Darth Vader mate. Great job right there! With the right script and dialogue, this could turn out great! Also, the first link you gave doesn't work. This is what it's meant to look like: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDubGathers/ It thought the . also, was a part of the URL/Link.
  5. You should give the Bothans an edited version of the Noghri Stick that's like the Bothan's weapon in Classic SWBF2. Nice work, by the way.
  6. Well, I've found some images online of TFA Luke and his costumes. Some of them have some stupid watermarks on them though :/ I currently haven't got any textures or models, either. Also, this should probably be moved to Modding Assistance, too.
  7. Nice mate, I've liking what you've done here! Do you think you could make a new, updated model for the A-Wing? I mean, it's alright, but the textures and the model itself aren't the best.
  8. Ok then lol. It should be easy enough to change the animations for the fast style, though I would have to make it less powerful than a saber. What's the default damageScale? I am aware that MP doesn't use a weapons.dat file. I'm also aware that noweap is not the same as melee in MP. It's possible to change the model in SP, using the weapons.dat. I was mostly quoting the weapons.dat. Thanks for your help btw
  9. That's interesting how SP uses the noweap model in the weapons.dat, whereas the melee in MP uses the playermodel... Is there a way to change this at all? I would prefer to do it without coding, because I'm not a coder.
  10. Hi there. I'm making a sort-of "siege thing" where it's just Jawas vs Sand People. It's not really siege, it's more like Team FFA, but with a specific class for each team. I'm gonna be getting a bunch of Tatooine maps for this, but they will be linked to their respective download pages, rather than being included in my mod. I was wondering if you would like me to include your map or not. Thanks
  11. Hey, I've been attempting to replace melee with the Gaffi Stick/Tusken Staff by replacing the models/weapons2/noweap files with the renamed tusken_staff files, which usually works for me as I made a DH-17 Pistol before and a Tusken Rifle using this method, but for some reason it's not showing up. Any ideas?
  12. Holy crap, I just found this thread and I'm in awe. This is bloody incredible, it really is. I'm really looking forward to this mod
  13. When I get GIMP again, I may be able to make a re-skin of Bobble-Vader lol.
  14. Droidy365


    Yeah lol. That is, of course, what I started with. Now, I make basic maps, textures, NPCs, sometimes Vehicles and even some HUD, though it is quite difficult to do that if you don't know what you're doing lol.
  15. Where are the force effects seen in the trailer?
  16. Well, I'll have to look into OpenJK again later, just got a new PC and only just installed Jedi Academy again lol. I'm guessing that there isn't a way to do it in base/vanilla JK3? Thanks again.
  17. Hey guys, I was wondering if it was possible to make edits to the weapons.dat file affect Multiplayer like it does with Single Player? Thanks
  18. This is what the original JK2 map SHOULD have looked like
  19. @@JAWSFreelao That would be awesome mate. Also, if/when you release a V2, would you mind if I used the new version for my Rebel Conversion mod again? I couldn't fix the FPV the way I usually do lol.
  20. I think this looks a hell of a lot better than the base/vanilla one. I honestly have no idea why the developers removed the faceplate.
  21. @@Lancelot I knew I remembered a bobble-head mod from somewhere! That would look awesome and funny scaled down IMO.
  22. Well, it would be easy enough to make an NPC for this kind of mod, though you wouldn't have a bobble-head sort of thing like good old Stewie lol. All you would have to do is add a scale, a height and a width tag to it. I'd suggest using the same values the jawa.npc uses. I would check what that would be, but I'm currently using a new computer that currently doesn't have Jedi Academy installed on it.
  23. Welcome to the Hub mate. I hope you have a great time here
  24. @Lord Of Hate I do believe that it needs to be converted to an *.md3 and a *.glm file before it can be released. Technically, the model is out, but it's not converted
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