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Everything posted by MagSul

  1. I only have one info_player_start entity in the map! Also, interesting update: The working example @@Noodle sent earlier works when tested by itself. What I eventually tried was copying the aspects of the test/deathscript into my script to see what would happen. set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_UNDYING", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" );set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_HEALTH", 20 );set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ARMOR", 0 );set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_DEATHSCRIPT", "test/deathscript" ); The test/deathscript works on the small map Noodle sent, but not when these values are incorporated in with my script. The player does not die, they stay at 1hp. Their health starts at 20 and their armor is 0. It's solely the death script part that does not seem to be being applied.
  2. Sure! I've done a few interations. Because it didn't seem to be triggering though, I've just left it at this at the moment:
  3. @@Droidy365 That particular part of the script that I quoted is from JO, I referenced it as an example to say that the deathscript line was pretty much identical. I'm not using the "weaponx" part but thank you for the shout! The script is named duel_end.ibi and it's in scripts/yavin_temple in my .pk3 (I have tried changing the file path to scripts/yavin_temple/duel_end in the script below). Here was the last version of the script that I used: Please be gentle!
  4. I am getting the impression that's it not finding my deathscript. It's currently set up exactly as shown in the picture above, inside the affect player brackets. My minor tweak did nothing to impact it.
  5. I did replace "Kyle" with "Player" when I tested it last night. I've had a quick look at it again this morning and I did find a minor error, so I'll share the results this evening if successful or not. ^.^
  6. I hadn't realised how much time had passed until I popped back in here (sorry about that!) Suffice to say that this issue still hasn't quite worked out the way I was hoping. The undying part works fine. The player hits 1hp as described above and then doesn't die. The problem is that the death script doesn't seem to kick in. The above is basically a replica of how the same thing is done in Jedi Outcast when Desann defeats Kyle on Artus_Topside. Below is an example from Jedi Outcast, which I'm using for reference. affect ( "kyle", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ){set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_WEAPON", /*@@weaponx_NAMES*/ "WP_BLASTER" );set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ORIGIN", $tag( "player_start_cin9_fight", ORIGIN)$ );set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_UNDYING", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" );set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_DEATHSCRIPT", "cinematics/cinematic9_run_end" );} I feel like I'm missing something. Does anyone have any ideas as to what that may be?
  7. I have a copy of the .icarus files used in Jedi Academy which I am using as a learning tool for my own project. I would very much like to get my hands on the scripts from Jedi Outcast for the exact same purpose. If anyone happens to have them or know where they could be found, I would greatly appreciate being provided with a link. Thank you!
  8. That's an awful lot of brushes! I like your ceiling light.
  9. If I remember rightly (Google seemed to agree with me), that one means that you have too many structural brushes. You can select a brush and tap Ctrl + M to convert it to a detail brush to get around that. You can also use Ctrl + D to filter out detail brushes as you're working. Just make sure that you do not convert any walls touching the void into detail brushes or else your map will leak.
  10. Thank you very much, @@Ramikad! I shall give it a shot.
  11. Scripting is tedious!

    1. Nuhallis
    2. TheWhitePhoenix


      But the fight is well worth it.

    3. Mandalorian


      It's awesome when you write a script and see it work in game, really impressed at your skills with scripting so far.

  12. Hello! I've set up a short scenario that allows the protagonist of my mod to compete in duels with other padawans. My problem is that if the player loses then it's game over. I would prefer defeat to trigger a brief dialogue before resetting the scenario. I'm not sure how to accomplish this. If possible, could I please get some help?
    1. therfiles


      Nice camera movement! :D And the dialogue re-purposing is on-point!

    2. Kualan
  13. That's a last resort, because I'd ideally like to be able to hear them when I'm in their vicinity.
  14. I do have those two enabled in their spawnscript, yeah. Sadly, no success. I tried SET_IGNOREPAIN too.
  15. Hi! With a new shift schedule, I'm hoping to finally put out the single player project and whilst working on the temple, I've hit a snag - the NPCs in the dojo won't be quiet. Upon joining the game, you can hear the jedi trainer saying "Let the Force flow through you..." every few seconds. If you open the door, leave and let the door shut again, you'll be able to hear their lightsabers clashing as well as a few grunts and jumps. The room is sealed completely and I've put an area portal in the door (textured only on the one side, system/skip on the rest.) The NPCs are persisting. Am I missing something obvious? I'm pretty sure they did this in the Base JO level for the temple as well. Anything I can do about this? Besides remove them?
  16. Out of curiosity, what's the brush/entity count at this point?
  17. MagSul

    Jyn Erso

    That's a really good model! I like the amount of detail you've put in. My one critique would have to the size of her head, I think it's just a little too big. Besides that, this is superb!
  18. I've already changed the control scheme! In the current version, you can't turn. Up is jump; Right is forward; Left is backward; Space is attack; Ctrl is Force; The problem is if you enable the ability to turn with any of the directional keys (or even the mouse) you're not necessarily aligned very well with the 2D path. It's easier to disable turning entirely and run in a straight line.
  19. Hello! I started a 2D level last year and decided to try and polish it up into something feasible for release, but I had a thought! When you go backwards, you run backwards. I would prefer it if when I tapped left, I turned around completely and carried on running. So my question is, how would you go about this, if that's something that can be done?
  20. I thought that it looked fun and really immersive! ^.^
  21. There was, yes. I rebuilt the brush in question yet again today and for some reason it's working for now. If this problem reappears, I'll come right back!
  22. I've remade that specific part a few times. I've tried building it in a slightly different shape as well, but that surface always winds up with the same result. As mentioned above, it's just strange that it's only this door, when there are several others which're identical. Though if you say making the brush a detail may fix the problem, I'll try building something behind it so that I can convert it without the map leaking. EDIT: Making the brush into a detail didn't resolve the issue.
  23. Hi! I have about nine identical doorways and this is the only one with this issue. It's not duplicate brushes occupying the same space and the surface you're looking at isn't caulked or anything, it has a proper texture. Does anyone know why this thing keeps persisting?
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