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Everything posted by Smoo

  1. make sure r_dynamicglow is set to 0
  2. I had one on jedi outcast, I think it was apart of a map
  3. for now can use ounde's server browser or jkhub's masterlist browser
  4. playermodel only works in singleplayer if you're in multiplayer you just use /model
  5. This may work but idk https://github.com/Zyk6870/OpenJK/pull/3/commits/f36334652bc20d8734137d96a34d4ac0ec3b4708
  6. The source code isn't in the game files, you have to download it from here https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK or use git
  7. or scifi.jk3.in:29077 edit: oh it showing now
  8. could you maybe add protocol 27 (i think it was) for JKG support? It trys to say my jkg server is a cod server atm lol
  9. you can edit code on any os so long as you have a text editor, not sure what you need to compile in mac though
  10. I have the ones in the first link but idk if allowed to share was from final fantasy rp lol
  11. Nice, I wanna try something like this sometime
  12. Smoo

    BaseJKA+ Server

    True, probably should make it that admins get cheats
  13. final fantasy music is great, Those Chosen by the Planet loljk iunno, I also love the Soul of the Samurai soundtrack, might find a song from that u might like
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