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Everything posted by Smoo

  1. japro has a nice in game browser
  2. Nah, check out Jedi Knight: Enhanced for a SP mod that adds some similar features
  3. After seeing the fan made battlefront game getting shut down by EA, bit hard to do this regardless lol
  4. I was thinking of a Source JK like how theres a GoldenEye Source lol
  5. Hope you do try MP sometime, not much MP games like it
  6. You may need a modded jagame.dll that has extended the npc limit, I'm pretty sure the OpenJK one does. just place the jagamex86.dll from OpenJK folder into kotf folder
  7. Was heaps hyped when I saw it haha
  8. 2-3 hours later than last time, ya'll started when its 5am here lmfao
  9. is Blade playable?
  10. I eat rice everyday, white rice = more carves though, need protein
  11. This is the case I have https://www.amazon.com/Raidmax-ATX-403WB-Computer-Case/dp/B00KBLT888/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1478659024&sr=8-1&keywords=raidmax
  12. I'd check it out but I have like 12gb left on my hdd haha
  13. Still impressive.
  14. Ask Rosh Penin. "I'm a great Jedi!"
  15. From what i gathered its like the original kotf but with permissions this time and new mods
  16. I can't recall the name of it but it should be here somewhere http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/
  17. It was pretty fun :>
  18. I think (Z) is hosting it but I don't think he updated the server files yet
  19. [updated as of 01-13-17] Updated server .
  20. I think that server is outdated try connect to mine it should be under jkhub or do /connect scifi.jk3.in:29077
  21. These screenshots are pretty nice btw
  22. Nice, more authentic
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