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Everything posted by Smoo

  1. I eat rice everyday, white rice = more carves though, need protein
  2. This is the case I have https://www.amazon.com/Raidmax-ATX-403WB-Computer-Case/dp/B00KBLT888/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1478659024&sr=8-1&keywords=raidmax
  3. I'd check it out but I have like 12gb left on my hdd haha
  4. From what i gathered its like the original kotf but with permissions this time and new mods
  5. I can't recall the name of it but it should be here somewhere http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/
  6. I think (Z) is hosting it but I don't think he updated the server files yet
  7. [updated as of 01-13-17] Updated server .
  8. I think that server is outdated try connect to mine it should be under jkhub or do /connect scifi.jk3.in:29077
  9. Exam on tuesday, bit nervous now lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Numfast


      Well, I'm in school. 10th grade (I don't know what a grade system in Australia. You may describe it and then I maybe (if I will understand it) say what grade it is in Australia). The is no problem with grade itself, the problem with teachers: they asking too much homework on every subject, even pupil with good marks complain. I am compaining too, because of it I can't fix my bad marks on some subjects that always goes bad in the beginning of the school year.

    3. Smoo


      Ah I'm in university, my 2nd year. I hated highschool but I love University. Lecturers don't waste time giving you detentions and all that nonsense. In school/highschool you're taught how to be an obedient follower, however in university you're taught how to be a free thinker.

    4. Cerez


      Good luck (and relieve your stress just the right amount)! "Clear your mind, and focus on the task ahead," as Yoda would say.

  10. These screenshots are pretty nice btw
  11. you can make an autoexec.cfg with the commands in it, make it with notepad then save with .cfg instead of .txt and then place it in base folder. You just have to connect your device to your pc and go to your Jedi Academy path
  12. Yeah i'd see a reboot more happening, since the old story is now non-canon. Hope they can come up with a decent story though.
  13. Yeah pretty much done the same way, use to have the android port, I need to redownload it sometime
  14. Smoo

    Happy Halloween!

    Now that the event is over I can make some updates, make the grudge look less ameateur lol
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