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Everything posted by Smoo

  1. I thought OpenJK already fixed that lol
  2. I got a server running on linux, might look into adding new features or fixing bugs
  3. My fave was single_2 cus it was popular in v1.00
  4. Smoo

    Makermod on JA++

    i might look into it, might add mscalet n stuff lol
  5. Starting to add new features or plan to - https://github.com/AlexCSilva/Makermod
  6. Australia any time unless something else comes up Windows & Linux try to bring 2-3 but who knows i can record video or stream on youtube&twitch
  7. These look pretty nice, tried them out in game too. If only JA had cape physics though lol also reminds me of the final fantasy rp that use to be around in jamp
  8. Smoo


    yo was gonna host a server but havnt yet. may soonish
  9. We should maybe do another match like this time last year too, test out new updates
  10. I was thinking of doing same thing maybe we can collab, my email is ———
  11. I'm playing JKA more myself to honor his name. I was trippin out when heard the news, only talked to him recently 2-3 week ago on facebook so it felt so surreal. He helped me learn how to use linux command line cmds properly and how to setup a server on linux etc, top bloke. Three cheers (Hip-hip hooray) for binnysan!
  12. saw this on youtube, real impressive, reminds me of eaglestriker's christmas re-edited video
  13. Nice i been emulating gamecube version of Jedi Outcast myself, the ui looks so nice
  14. you can callvote on shadow order and i think u can on phantom academy too, not too sure. you can also check out my DE server has bunch of maps too and callvote enabled
  15. have you downloaded openjk (it has openjkded that can be used to host server)
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