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Everything posted by Smoo

  1. lol i use to do that too, looking like aboinations lmfao, love that jk2mv fixed that
  2. Retaliator and Defender, what the pros use on 1.00
  3. Haven't really played any i didn't like yet lol
  4. I havent played this one but i played the gameboy color star wars obi wan adventures and that was hell fun for a gameboy game
  5. Can u link me the mod? Or is it on mrwonkos mirror? Me or daggo will try look at it and see if it a code issue etc
  6. must of been buggy drivers or something
  7. I like how his name sounds like Ludacris lmao
  8. I'll prob be active again after i finish my assignments and exams

  9. Looks like a total badass
  10. it was pretty well done, def brings me back memories of the jedi knight re-edited series lol
  11. Sorta sounds like this but I could be wrong lol http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Maps/Free%20For%20All/60136/
  12. checked here yet? http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/
  13. Sorta reminds me of Bender btw lol but yeah that map looks epic
  14. ah it similar to movie battles one, just sucks u cant turn it off if u wanted on mb2, or can u?
  15. gotta learn how to use git also
  16. Congrats on your first frankenstein model., my first is a chiss in a jedi body lol
  17. does that work in MP?
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