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Everything posted by Smoo

  1. Hello again, I actually got japanese working on .str files i just add Japanese Shift-JIS encoding and same for my .cfg file if i want to give myself japanese name. For chat it only shows if I make binds atm. I am wandering now if I can mess with the direct input to allow more symbols to show up when typing in game. (sorry big image)
  2. Jedi Knight Enhanced https://jkhub.org/forum/106-jedi-knight-enhanced/
  3. lol noodle and then on mb2 its no TKs even tho its a feature
  4. Smoo

    New Year Dojo

    すごい~~ !! Definately downloading this!
  5. Hello there MGummelt, I am thinking of making a mod that allows Japanese translation and being able to type hiragana, katana and kanji in chat. Wondering whether you know where abouts in the renderer code that I should look at to change? I also tried making a Japanese language patch by modifying .str files but only kanji seem to show up and not hiragana and katana. Although it may just be an encoding setting I need to change as someone got a Korean patch working. Cheers.
  6. I might go through it and make a Japanese version
  7. Lugormod use to come with some botroutes for singleplayer maps that u can add to ur base folder
  8. I assume it's for demos but not sure
  9. i think they slowly porting all tutorials to the new jkhub version coming soon
  10. i think they slowly porting all tutorials to the new jkhub version coming soon
  11. your masterlist stuff is bit outdated i think cus gamespy is shut down
  12. Uni starting again soon prob gonna be busy year

  13. hey u can compile a 32 bit build in a 64bit os with these flags: -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-m32 -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-m32
  14. In Australia piracy ain't so strict if it is something made overseas lol plus we have to pirate most games that get banned anyway
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