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Status Updates posted by NumberWan

  1. Working on Museum of Imperial Propaganda map.

  2. I feel, that Daisy Ridley, announced today for Episode VII, is likely to play Jaina Solo.

    1. Kessno


      That does seem like a possibility. Although they will probably give her a new name as they're re-writing the EU.

  3. After the map crash checked the textures – some old files somehow were CMYK (print) 🙄 How and Why in the Galaxy? Doesn't matter, just a hint: if the map crashes textures profile might be an issue too.

    1. AshuraDX


      Jpegs saved as "progressive" can be fun too

  4. Twilek Male base skins complete.

  5. Aside from big news on TLJ, there is also a video of a longer scene for A New Hope! It seems the term "Sith" was always there, we simply couldn't know. https://youtu.be/ja4WudpzBYw

  6. Chapter I of The Dark Pastime mod is out. Be sure to check this link.

  7. Staying home after returning from Cairo via Rome. I'm fine and I hope everyone is okey here too! Stay home and be safe!

  8. Just watched teaser for new Battlefront. Seems we might get a real plot and story this time.

  9. 1 more map to go and to polish all the things in the mod.

  10. Made a few updates on DP. Also we have a short news channel for the mod now. Check here: https://jkhub.org/topic/2656-the-dark-pastime/page-4?do=findComment&comment=127628

  11. Thought of putting all the chars in SW in one pic. https://jkhub.org/topic/7494-star-wars-–-all-characters/ I am positive nothing is truly cancelled.

  12. How joyful is to find a SWWiki article, which is suddenly not labeled Canon or Legends yet - http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Vors_Voorhorian

  13. Just read this article about Mon Mothma creation for Episode VI. I hope they make more of these about background characters. http://www.starwars.com/news/from-concept-to-screen-mon-mothma-rebel-leader

  14. Lego Droid Tales seem to feature a scene from Episode VII.

  15. Wait... Rogue One trailer? Now?! How many more Star Wars trailers are there these weeks???

  16. #BuyLegendsOnly - Good point. =)

  17. Too bad there is no conversation between Blizz and Treek in SWTOR. Or is there?

  18. If I copy a "Detail Brush", and paste it, does it automatically makes a new "Detail Brush"? No need to CTRL+M or 'make detail' click?

  19. The Ghost Team from SW Rebels is ready now, it seems.

  20. Your opinion on Imperial Technicians is much appreciated in this thread: http://jkhub.org/topic/2656-the-dark-pastime/?view=getnewpost

  21. WIP: Sulon locations; Ancient Droids.

  22. Bothan Face and Head Textures under development - 90%.

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