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Status Updates posted by NumberWan

  1. Time to try Rebels. Let's hope it's worth all the waiting. :)

    1. Onysfx


      Don't be suprised if the dialog is a little...childish? It's Disney XD after all.

    2. NumberWan


      I guess, that's not a surprize after all. But there are other things, which we can see. For instance in the background. Or a strong reference to original films.

    3. Stoiss


      it was not that bad at all, it didnt follow the TCW ways, but i think it can be a part of the star wars cartoon collection on my HDD :)

  2. Watched an episode from Mystery Science Theater 3000, "The Robot vs. the Aztec Mummy" (1950s) starring a character Commander Cody. Ж)

    1. IrocJeff


      A lot of Lucas' ideas from Star Wars came from this time, his youth, so i wouldn't doubt that could have been where he got Commander Cody from.

    2. Bane_Ross


      MST3K is my favorite show, ever!

    3. NumberWan


      @IrocJeff I feel it's more of a coincidence in this particular case. However you're right, that he borrowed names, as well as ideas and details from other stories and legends. But quite wisely.

  3. I've just learnt, that another classic ENG actor voiced a character in Star Wars game: David Robb (Robin Hood) -> Tobin in KOTOR 2.

    1. Bek


      Did you know that Bastila's voice actor voices the female Jaden in jka?


    2. NumberWan


      Yes, Jennifer Hale is quite famous person in voice-acting, I searched through her works, it's quite a voicing portfolio. She also voiced Clone Wars among other things.

    3. Bek


      I think there's a video on youtube detailing all the works she has done

    1. IrocJeff


      That was pretty good but it need subtitles. hehe.


    2. Circa


      English version premieres tonight on DisneyXD, so it should be uploaded to the official Star Wars YouTube channel as well.

    3. Circa
  4. Watching the Celebration. Let's see what they've got in stock for us this time. ;)

    1. therfiles


      Hoping to see the trailer drop live, if I can!

    2. Circa


      Yesterday's panels were really really great. Got to see Harrison, Hayden, and even George.

    3. NumberWan


      They've finally shown the trailer! Well, everyone must see it for themselves. :)

  5. It seems some things in SW are going back to canon, like the Lepi species for instance.

    1. Kessno


      Where did you get that information?

    2. NumberWan


      I saw a new Marvel comics, that has the above mentioned species. The same happened to Dark Trooper and death troopers, which are part of the canon again.

  6. The preliminary Bothan model is almost complete. Some problems with him (them) though...

    1. DT.


      What kind of problems?

    2. NumberWan


      Naughty ones ;) Fixing them now.

  7. Testing NPC_spawner again. Does anyone know the name of the command for behaviour? It's mentioned in the NPC preferencies as idle - 1, roam - 2, patrol - 7, etc.

    1. Onysfx


      66 should be take ovah.

    2. NumberWan


      That is surely a good one. =)

  8. Just returned from ComicCon Russia. Anthony Daniels was absolutely superb!

    1. Numfast


      When i've seen photos, i ask a question to myself:

      "Why i'm not live in Moscow?"

    2. Sentra
  9. Who would think, that there is an actual Senator from Taris in Rogue One. The other two in The Clone Wars & The Force Awakens (atlas).

    1. Kualan


      They're definitely bleeding KOTOR back into canon piece by piece. As well as Taris, we have Hammerhead corvettes and Malachor in Rebels and mentions of 'the Old Republic' during the Clone Wars.

    2. NumberWan


      I wish this were true, but the real deal is most likely is that they see much potential in various ideas, originally created for KOTOR, but now in grand demand of already working things for newer canon.

  10. If I copy a "Detail Brush", and paste it, does it automatically makes a new "Detail Brush"? No need to CTRL+M or 'make detail' click?

    1. Boothand


      The detail property is duplicated along with it, yes. You can always check by filtering details (Ctrl D)

    2. NumberWan


      Thanks, Boothand! That is most helpful!

  11. Does anyone know, where the original background for Player Models Icons in JA can be found?

    1. Omicron


      It's not in the assets (like it was for JK2). Use this instead:



    2. NumberWan
  12. Just found these Star Wars interviews – which include Jason Court (Kyle Katarn), Michael Carter (Bib Fortuna), Vanessa Marshall (Jan Ors/Hera Syndulla), Billie Dee Williams and many others. http://starwarsinterviews1.blogspot.ru/

  13. Feeling thrilled after watching the latest trailer for SW Rebels. OT music remix. C-3PO and R2, Luminara Unduli - can't wait to see the first episode.

    1. Dusty


      sounds cool. Did you like the Clone Wars show or naah?

    2. NumberWan


      Some episodes were quite good, especially when they started paying attention to background and details, as well as music and philosophical aspects, rather than just showing cool moves, dueling and droidsVSclones stuff only.

  14. August News Update on Dark Pastime mod. http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-dark-pastime

    1. Bek


      Can't wait for a release, great job!

    2. Onysfx


      Nice update, I'm looking forward to this. I can tell the atmosphere is going to great :).

  15. Watched Alien: Covenant. Not that bad, as some people claim, but I do understand why it's so critisized.

    1. Psyk0Sith


      Prometheus was such a train wreck, if it's anything like it, i'm not sure i'll watch.

    2. DT.


      Now if James Cameron made another Alien movie, that shit would be awesome

  16. Can anyone help me finding Dromund Kaas on this map? Use A-W and 1-21. http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130325041255/starwars/images/1/10/MainGalaxy.png

    1. Ramikad


      It should be R-6, I think. Of course you can't be really certain on a 180x200 map :P

    2. NumberWan


      According to latest news, yes, it's near R6 or R5. Thanks for the help!

  17. Today in a bookstore I found a SW book on ilustrations and concept art: there is so much they planned for 1313! So many characters, cantinas, streets, even villas on Coruscant. Too bad we won't see it. :(

    1. DT.


      One could always make their own 1313

    2. NumberWan


      Most people already have a project of their own. I myself prefer creating very new stories, which might have happened (sure why not), but don't repeat even the unreleased material. =)

  18. "George Lucas in Love" – Wait... What?

    1. Numfast
    2. NumberWan


      Yes, I know. I mean, I missed this one somehow, but the movie isn't new.

  19. Found a music remix from Dark Forces II, played on Nar Shaddaa, which is now used in SW:TOR. At the very same planet. :)

    1. TheWhitePhoenix


      Ohhh, that's a nice reference to players saying "Hey, we never forgot. ^_^"

  20. Yub Nub fans anyone?

    1. lang_french


      Victory Celebration, for me ;)

  21. Since when Tatooine were a Republic world? At least SWTOR and KOTOR suggest it were.

    1. Numfast


      Some time later Republic abandoned it for some reasons.

  22. I wonder, if they used the model of Bossk from Clone Wars for the new Ezra's Gamble.

    1. Bek


      I doubt it I think they are using all new models for Rebels.

  23. They're releasing so many Star Wars games on iOS and else. Perhaps Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds as well some time?

    1. Circa


      Commander looks really cool. Like Empire at War. I'll be trying that when it's released.

  24. So, is there a way to run Rogue Squadron 3D on Win7 after all? What a game...

    1. Flynn


      I know right? If there is a way, I would like to know as well.

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