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Status Updates posted by McGroose

  1. "You fool, I've been trained in your Jedi arts by Count Dooku!" No shit? That line from ROTS really annoys me now. The script was clearly not made with the Clone Wars show in mind. Obi Wan fought Grievous a dozen some times in it. :/

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. minilogoguy18
    3. Cerez


      I agree with Mini that the 2003 version ties in much better with the prequels, and, as I said, I don't believe that the 2008 series is really meant to tie in with the prequel films -- it pushes things to a whole new level of storytelling that the prequel films never ascend to. Watching the best of TCW (2008) and then the prequel films IMHO is like reading Herbert's Dune, and then watching the latest Star Trek, hoping that it will add something to it.

    4. Cerez


      The prequel films had a lot of Star Wars world ideas crammed into them -- that's what they were brilliant at. Without the work done for the prequels, there would be no base for TCW.

  2. New Battlefront 2 trailer is out and there's only 4 seconds of prequel content shown and plenty of what we've already seen in the first game. Looking forward to the $50 season pass for half of the game again.

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Noodle


      It wasn't a thing, that's what I'm implying. It's ridiculous that people pay for skins and other cosmetic things in videogames and don't realize they're being ripped off.

    3. Kualan


      Let me clarify - I don't agree with it, but I consider giving people the choice to pay extra for purely cosmetic things to be a lot different (and more tolerable) than a pay2win scenario where people are forced to use microtransactions to actually stay competitive in a game.

    4. Smoo


      agreed Kualan

  3. Hardware noob here: If I wanted to disable integrated graphics and add an additional GPU, would the only thing I need be the proper bios and a power supply that could handle it, or do I need something else?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. McGroose


      Is there a topic where I can post my PC specs + planned upgrades for feedback?

    3. minilogoguy18


      I don't think there is a thread currently going but you could always make one in the art, media and technology forum.

    4. Smoo


      Or in General Tech Support

  4. PC gaming advantage: better graphics. Disadvantage: may take hours figuring out how to get the game to fucking work properly.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Smoo


      @eezstreet, alot think mac is better for audio editing but I think it's just placebo

    3. DT.


      I vote we call Circa, Xboner :D

    4. Ramikad
  5. Kyle's Running speed in Dark Forces is ridiculously fast. It's like he's got Force Speed already. XD

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. swegmaster


      force jump was risky too, as it actually had fall damage unlike lvl 3/lvl 2 jump in ja and jo

    3. JediBantha


      And remember, you could also kill yourself by jumping upward. XD

    4. katanamaru


      I remember JK and MotS having ridiculously fast running. Heck I think JO and JA are too fast. I use g_speed 200 to slow down a bit. 250 is default.

      Then I bound 500 to a key so I could have JK speed running to get across long maps!

  6. I can't believe Microsoft did better than Nintendo this year at E3

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Bek


      With epoxy glue.

    3. Bek


      Along with the Occulus.

    4. Syko


      Every single game Nintendo showed looked like garbage except for maybe Star Fox, which looked exactly like Star Fox 64 in gameplay and in graphics. And where the hell was Zelda Wii U?

  7. Trying Escape From Yavin IV using OpenJK. It's fun, but I'll have to replace the models and skins eventually. Some of the Lightsabers are blegh, a couple models are showing their age really badly (especially Maul) and the voice acting can be hilariously bad at times

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DrXann


      Lost Levels is better than the original one and it has three endings.

    3. Onysfx


      The old Factory level is bugged (or at least it was for me), where rosh does not appear later in the level and open up a crucial door to progress. Another one of the levels I was unable to progress on, perhaps I did something wrong, but I looked everywhere for a switch and couldn't find it (it was an outdoor desert valley water level). Other than that, I would certainly agree that the lost levels is far better and has much more content.

    4. McGroose


      I know the level you're talking about. I'm not there yet, but I THINK I remember beating that level the intended way. It was confusing, though. I remember the level ended by killing Spawn (lol wut?).

  8. I still think Harambe was the best meme ever created. But alas, all good things must soon come to an end... just like Harambe himself. D:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bek


      Tranquilize the sniper.

    3. Smoo


      @minilogoguy18 lol the gorilla was protecting it, wouldnt harm it

    4. minilogoguy18


      That's a wild animal, people tend to forget that, any wrong move can upset the animal and shit can go bad real fast.

  9. So did Luke want both the Jedi and the Sith to end so one single greater ideology could rise or was Luke just being a brat?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Noodle


      The way I understand it, they're following a different religion that is biased towards the Dark Side of the Force. It's like being Jewish or Muslim, they're both different very religions but worship the same monotheistic god.

    3. McGroose


      Ya, it definitely seems similar to that. That actually makes me enjoy the antagonists of the new trilogy a little more. I do hope that Kylo gets a new saber more fitting now and for some more history regarding Snoke.

    4. minilogoguy18


      Rey should be using a staff in the next movie.

  10. The disruptor rifle, a weapon so devastating that it's outlawed nearly all over the galaxy. Perfect for the Jedi Academy to allow all students to use.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dusty


      Or he's saving a bunch for Rosh

    3. McGroose


      You know, the Kyle connection does make a little sense actually

    4. Bek


      "You can borrow my rifle. NO DISINTEGRATIONS."

  11. Let us all bow down in respect to the man, the legend, that was HAPSLASH, he whose models were ported to dozens of other mods and games both with and without credit attributed.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tompa9


      I don't think Haps isn't credited too much. I always give him credit in my works and other modders surely too.

    3. McGroose


      It's not his mods for JKA/JK2 that don't get credit.

      It's when his models are ported to other games for mods.

    4. Tompa9


      Ah! So then you are right :)

  12. How can you make an NPC with an E-11 rifle shoot in rapid bursts instead of single shots? I've seen some NPCs do that, so is it possible to modify any NPC of my choosing to do so?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. IrocJeff


      You can do it with scripts. Download my project in JO SP Maps, and i have all my scripts in there.


      Just copy the alt-fire ones and try it out.

    3. minilogoguy18


      Pretty sure it has to do with the NPC class and how aggressive they are. Look at the stcommander.npc and impcommander.npc as they both do this.

    4. Dusty


      In the new version of Dusty's Patch you can use the npc field to force alt-fire. In JK2 class_imperial and class_rodian always use alt-fire with the e-11 if I remember right.

  13. I really wish Battlefront had choosable hero skins, like Jango Fett for Boba, White Vader, different colors for aliens, etc.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. z3filus


      Who on earth would want to play as white Vader?? @_@

    3. McGroose
    4. z3filus


      Huh, I thought that was just some weird re-skin. Well I liked the battle worn Vader a lot, y'know? Torso and cape torn from places, dusty and bloody.




  14. I love the Stormtrooper armor in episode VII, but I think it's too good for the average Stormtrooper. I feel like it should be reserved for some kind of special class or elite ST.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sentra


      Apple hate again, jez.

    3. z3filus


      <- allergic to apple


    4. RebelChum


      Of course we can't be sure but it looks like Ep 7 is actually going to try and depict the stormies as an elite fighting force.

  15. I can now say I own every single Jedi Knight/Dark Forces game. Yay

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ramikad


      Ha, I still have the old gigantic cardboard box of Jedi Knight in the attic, as well as the manual :P

    3. Smoo
    4. Smoo


      @Bek, unless you live in Australia :( lol

  16. I wish Battlefront had Leia's New Hope outfit for some maps. Her Hoth outfit is really dull.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. McGroose


      While I assume we can all understand why that wasn't included (unfortunately) what excuse was there for no Tantive IV Leia?

    3. GPChannel


      Maybe someone will do a mod for it :)

      Love ea bf mods so much :D

      In my game Luke is Kyle,Han is in his rotj outfit,leia wears a brown badass jacket, and she has ponytail hair, krennic is thrawn, lando has a new outfit too,soo its much better now :D

    4. GPChannel


      Oh and boba is jango of course xd

  17. Would it make sense for Grand Moff Tarkin to be in Battlefront as a DLC? Can he fight at his old age during ANH? Could he even fight well at all?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Numfast


      "Obi-Wan". That's because he is the force-user.

    3. Kualan


      If the rumours of a Tarkin appearance in Rogue One are true I wouldn't be surprised to see him pop up as a Death Star villain in Battlefront.


      Either that or one of the other villains from the upcoming movie...depends, when is the Death Star DLC supposed to drop?

    4. JAWSFreelao


      I know at least Bossk is going to be in game.I saw them testing him in modeling software in the little E3 trailer.

  18. Anyone else get some MBII vibes from that Battlefront II Theed gameplay?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Circa


      I got original BF2 vibes, which was great. :D

    3. Langerd


      Well people was very angry on the crossed era stuff.. emm .. It is cool in my opinion - Imagine Lord Vader with Kylo Ren on his side fighting Jar Jar Binks and Obi Wan spamming "Hello There"

    4. Onysfx


      It looks good, but I have a feeling the gameplay won't hold up as well as MBII's has.

  19. anyone find it weird how JKA and Kotor, games that only had a two month difference in their release dates, both have their own versions of Korriban? They're so different; JKA's is so much more fleshed out, but the tombs in Kotor's have a much better atmosphere. I wonder if Raven and Bioware ever talked about this. :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lang_french


      I found the tomb in JKA really weird, too much. Maybe they wanted to make like the Egyptian pyramids. But The Kotor version is far better about the atmosphere. And 4000 years later, the map could be different (visit other tombs to find the right one, for instance), and if there were ancient Sith spirits who fight Jedi and Cultists, it would be perfect imo.

    3. Ramikad


      I'd rather see some of the local wildlife instead than Force Ghosts or Sith undead. Architecture changes in 4000 years, but monuments and natural wildlife typically not, especially if they're abandoned as they seem to be in JA.

    4. minilogoguy18


      KotOR version is way better. That red tint to everything makes it so much better.

  20. The Assassin Droids in JKA's Coruscant level were too weak. Gave them missile launchers and tripped their health.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dusty


      But they stand no chance against the demp2 my friend. In Dusty's Patch they can fire with their shields still up because I honestly thought that was really dumb.

    3. Onysfx


      Too weak? I've always had trouble against them.

    4. McGroose


      Demp2 slaughters them. Thankfully, it seems that giving them rockets and changing their stats causes them to move more. In the boss fight, all 4 droids were moving all over the place shooting rockets. Was both fun and somewhat challenging.

  21. Anyone know a source of decent female dark jedi/sith sounds I can use for personal modding use? Using the female jedi dialogue doesn't feel fitting at all lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. McGroose


      Dang, also should've specified it not being Alora. I'm using it for singleplayer, would be weird to hear unique character dialogue with every female sith


    3. Circa


      dialogue or model sounds? If you want non-dialogue sounds you could check the other languages for unique sounds, since they have different voice actors.

    4. McGroose


      OOOOOH you know, I didn't think about that, thanks!

  22. How does the name "Medieval Tar" sound for a horror story/game?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. McGroose


      Admittingly ya cause I heard varying opinions on it, but last time I think I asked if people preferred the name "Medieval Acid" vs "Medieval Tar"

    3. Wasa


      It sounds like some kind of cake

    4. the_raven


      Medieval Acid you say? That sounds wicked! As to your question, I remembered the Tar Monster from the original Scooby-Doo series. Good times, good times.

  23. I love how I went from thinking that Kylo Ren's lightsaber design was the worst to thinking that he has the coolest lightsaber ever. Lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. McGroose


      Nah, I doubt even my my favorite of the OT, A New Hope, could cure me. XD

    3. Clan FJA

      Clan FJA

      The Phantom Menace will cure you ! the staff of Darth Maul is the coolest saber ever (even you don't like the rest of the movie). I think that Kylo's saber can not beat Maul's staff when it's about to be cool.

    4. Bek


      I think Vader doesn't like it: http://imgur.com/gallery/KainxQZ

  24. So I've got a pretty beefy graphics card (GTX 1660) and a decent CPU (i5 7400) and good RAM. I can play a lot of modern games with good FPS but playing JKA on max settings sometimes causes the FPS to drop below 60, with and without Vsync enabled. I've got a lot of mods, some graphics mods like Ultimate Weapons but I've got the same mods for JK2 and I get a perfect framerate. Why is JKA weird?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Langerd


      From what i remember - Older engines purposely put limitations and errors that drop you from game because some things that happen on screen were too much for even computer to handle. It had good but also bad sides like having amazing PC - playing with dynamic glow for example will cause mostly everytime to drop FPS.


    3. Langerd


      It took the capabilities of engine itself rather the PC in some scenerios. Nowadays there is no such thing. Better computer means better graphics and smoother gameplay and more stuff on screen

    4. McGroose


      That's true for the most part, but there are still PC ports that clearly were not optimized compared to their console counterparts. It all really depends on optimization more than anything else.

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