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Everything posted by Lancelot

  1. @@Aemat You have to post at least 10 posts to create a request topic. That's the rule here. I would like to see these guards being made. They made a good impression in the movie. Also, I have to be slightly picky here. A "skin" is merely a texture applied on a model. "Skinners" are those who create or modify those textures. What you mean is a model.
  2. Take a look at this topic: https://jkhub.org/topic/9904-where-i-can-find-tfu-expansion-pack/?view=getnewpost It was made by TimFx actually, with looked pretty good. The fanmade addons were merely savegames submitted by other players, who prepared some "missions" or battles.
  3. Looking at the video, I found some things that could need some work. There is a lot of potential here. I make some suggestions. I don't know if any of them are possible: - The lighting of the map should be tweaked. It should be a little bit more vibrant. - There should be more enemy types. It doesn't necessarily have to be different wookiees or rebel soldiers, just characters that bring more variety. I only see the same wookiees getting thrown around over and over again. Where is the challenge there? - A pilot should fly the TIE-Fighter. It makes little sense that Darth Vader lands on Kashyyyk to track down a Jedi, only to interrupt his mission to casually fly around and destroy some starfighters. Maybe with some clever scripting, the player could switch from Darth Vader to a TIE-Pilot. Vader could still fight in the background while you are flying the TIE-Fighter. Like I said, with some tweaks here and there, this could be an amazing mission for KotF 2.1 (after the beta release of course). What do you think, @@Linken and @@Fire Phoenix?
  4. Incredible. Not bad for a first map. Really high quality. And congratulations for making the first The Last Jedi themed map. I hope it will be the first of many.
  5. You saved the day! I posted a link to a torrent download (removed it now), but this is even better. No other site had this pack. And the only site I know is already offline. It would be cool to see a remastered version of this mission, which could be included to KotF 2.1 some time.
  6. @@Asgarath83 I would consider this addon as lost. TimFx uploaded the file on a site that is no longer active, and he didn't bother to upload it on platforms such as FileFront or ModDB (maybe because of the mod's reputation). If this pack is really lost, I suggest you to take what is on the video as an example, and create an even better version of what he did.
  7. We finally need a true Tarkin. If somebody can do it, than @@Psyk0Sith or @@Scerendo.
  8. I have a suggestion: Post the progress report as usual, here on the forum. Once the mod is ready, you could make an announcement on the front page. JKHub is supporting news written by users since a few months. And because KotF 2.1 is a hugely anticipated mod, I think the release should be announced that way.
  9. We already have that Mercenary Kyle model, based on his Dark Forces appearance. The model has a jacket, which can be enhanced to look like a trench coat. Apart from that, it just needs to be reskinned.
  10. That's good to hear. The crosshair just didn't make sense in the melee mode. I mean, it's not that you need to carefully aim at something, like you would with a gun.
  11. Personally, I'm not disappointed of Battlefront II at all. In fact, it simply surpassed my expectations and blew me away every now and then. While I thoroughly enjoyed the story mode, I also enjoy the multiplayer mode as well (and it takes a lot to get me playing online up to two hours straight). On top of that, it is such a huge improvement to the first Battlefront, and not as sadistic when it comes to heroes. In EA's first Battlefront, you had the heroes, but to get them was totally sadistic (e.g. if you wanted to fly the Millennium Falcon, you had to activate a token that was hovering a few feet above the ground, than you had to press some buttons, which was very difficult). Now, in EA's Battlefront II, you just have them, along with some extra vehicles and special troopers. But you have to collect points first (and credits to unlock the others), which is probably the best solution. And regarding the micro transactions, there is a simple rule I have on this: If you don't want to spend real money on loot boxes, don't spend real money them. Nobody urges you. You have the alternative to buy them with credits you collect in the game, which is at least a compromise. And there is another good thing: EA has listened to the critics and shut down the micro transactions, at least temporary. Any other developer would have insisted on keeping them activated. Sometimes, it's better to give in and try to find a solution. Like any other developer, EA still has the chance to redeem itself, and they already started to do so by adding things to the game that was missing in the first one. They still have many extra contents to release, like a The Last Jedi themed one next month, which will include new heroes, new maps and a new chapter for the story mode. This is something that keeps me excited.
  12. Nobody ever made that map. Actually, this is something Sith-J-Cull or LivingDeadJedi would have done, especially during a glorious time when we got a new Revenge of the Sith map almost every month. On the other hand, I think it would be too similar to the senate map Sith-J-Cull created. And think about the details the opera would need to look satisfying enough. Also, the location has thousands of seats, which would not only be a massive task, but it would also go beyond what Jedi Academy can handle. Therefore, a miniature version would be a compromise.
  13. Whoever played one of the Rogue Squadron games will probably know that by activating a cheat code, you will get a Buick, which replaces the A-Wing. It might be a crazy request, but I was wondering why nobody ever thought of bringing this one to Jedi Academy. That would be awesome.
  14. The Gamecube was a part of my childhood as well, and Rogue Squadron II was one of the first games I've played on that console. I didn't have that much of games, but the ones I had (and still have to this day) were fun as hell. And back then, the graphics were just impressive. I still remember how terrifyingly realistic the remake of Resident Evil looked. Regarding 3D games, Dolphin is probably the greatest emulator of all time. It gives you so many options to choose from, especially the resolution. The only obvious downside is that your computer must run on steroids, or else the only thing you will see is the games' title screen - at best. The developers even managed to emulate Star Wars: The Clone Wars (from 2002), which was a difficult task. But even though emulators have advanced over the years and support many games, I still prefer to play them games on a console; not on a modern TV, but on an old 4:3 TV. Also, why did nobody ever think of creating this one for Jedi Academy?
  15. Not bad at all. The character is recognizable, which is the most important part.
  16. @@fokai Great video. Surprisingly well edited and timed. I especially like the versatile camera angles, which brings more depth. Nerd correction: It's spelled C-3PO, with the letter O instead of a zero; R2-D2 is spelled with a minus in the middle. Bonus tip: You can also write their nicknames, which are Threepio and Artoo.
  17. @@Domino5555 There are hundreds, if not thousands of models/skins to choose from. So, if you want to suggest some characters to be included, try to concentrate on those that already exist. And to make things much easier, you should look out only for Star Wars related characters, nothing else. If you can't find any characters here, try mrwonko's JK3Files mirror. Jedi Academy Jedi Outcast Also, you should keep in mind that new models require lots of time and skills, and including new ones would only slow down the progress. On the other hand, maybe you should wait until the beta gets released. And if you still think that some characters are missing, you can still suggest them.
  18. Congratulations, @@GPChannel. You've inadverdently transformed Rey into German-Russian actress Emilia Schüle. Or India Eisley. It's your choice.
  19. During the times of the old KotF, making this mod available in many kinds of languages was one of the main priorities. And in a community where most mods are predominantly English, this was something that set KotF apart. As far as I know, KotF supported languages such as Italian, Spanish, German, Portugues, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French and even Turkish. Truly an ambitious project, and of course a big one. So, I thought, why not continue what the old mod started? I know, including more languages would mean more work that needs to be done, which would slow the progress down. That's why I think that the whole process could be done some time after the beta release. That way, people can take time to take a look at the mod, and if they feel it could be translated into another language (most ideally their mother language), they could contact the developers to get the needed files and instructions. Also, because the whole process doesn't really take that much of effort and requirements (except for proper grammar), pretty much everyone with no modding experience can be included. All they need to do is getting the files, translating the text and sending them back to the developers. What do you think?
  20. It's a poll, not a WIP topic. As you can see, the DLT-19 won. @ Corto makes one soon. Just wait until he gets to work on that.
  21. I found his email: monsoontide@gmail.com. Try to contact him. Because he was one of the most respected modders in the community, I imagine contacting him would be like this.
  22. Question: How many custom models do you have in your base folder? If you have too many, remove the ones you don't need. Alternatively, try OpenJK. As far as I know, it is able to handle many NPC files. https://builds.openjk.org/
  23. This reminds me of something I've seen on jk3files.com. Someone made a Hulk model, which resembled him only vaguely. The model was a green mess of polygons, with a face that looked rather friendly than Hulk-ish. But I don't blame the modeler, the one who probably had high hopes that his model would become the next big thing. I blame the JK3Files community, because they were all insulting him and showed little support. Nobody offered to help him out. In the comment section, you could see how upset he was, even pointing out that all the harsh comments won't improve his model. UPDATE: I found it. I put the link here, so you can see what I mean. http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Models/Celebrities/45335/ You can make out in the screenshots and the description that the creator was no expert in modeling, but he tried his best. Sadly, everyone was laughing at him.
  24. First of all, calm down. 1. This Ideas & Issues section is for forum related stuff only, not for Jedi Academy or Jedi Outcast. 2. Use your previous topic. Circa didn't move it for no reason. He simply moved your topic to the appropiate section, which is the Jedi Knight Tech Support section. 3. Circa has any right to move topics or keep them where they are. He belongs to the JKHub staff after all. 4. If you proceed with your behaviour, you will be either ignored or, in the worst case, blocked from this forum. 5. Nobody, not even @@Circa, wants to anger you. We would like to help you, but please behave appropiately. This is a forum, not a schoolyard. Please, and I mean that most sincerely: Use your previous topic, the one Circa moved to another section. Anything else won't bring you any quicker solution, even if you start 60 more topics like this one.
  25. Okay, that's new to me. The only method I knew was what I described. At least there is a method that doesn't require the source files, which is a great thing.
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