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Everything posted by Lancelot

  1. No cut on the leg necessary, because she has none. Like I said, it's probably knee armor. Take a close look at the picture I've attached. If you compare it to Droidy's picture, you'll notice that the only difference is the angle.
  2. Finally a good Jabba model. Okay, it's not finished yet, but it still looks better than the old one.
  3. @@Newmodder Believe it or not, the Freemaker Adventures are canon (at least according to Wookieepedia). Personally, despite being a huge LEGO fan, I've never seen an episode of it. But looking at the character, I would say that she has potential. She could have two versions that represent her emotions. I don't think it would require that much of work to make her. We have many models that we can at least give a reskin. A perfect basis would be DT's Mara Jade. https://jkhub.org/files/file/1677-dt-marajade/
  4. In other words, you would like to see an NPC editor that allows you to change the NPC's weapons, including the lightsaber color. This sounds like a great idea. Wouldn't it be great to have an NPC editor that looks just like the customisation menu for your player? You could modify an NPC to your liking and make it unique. But I can't imagine how complex it must be to create something like that. @@Salokin Maybe you should edit your post. I mean, you've got the same sentences twice.
  5. @@ZanderNao Have you tried to use it with OpenJK?
  6. With the amount of characters listed, I would say that the final version of KotF 2.1 should be ready in 2049. But in all seriousness, I doubt that KotF 2.1 would handle an extremely massive amount of characters. The team has already exceeded the limits of the original mod, with so many NPC variations. Also, if the team would concentrate on every character that ever appeared in Star Wars, we would have many characters, but it wouldn't bring the mod itself any further. And besides, having too many characters is not the sole purpose of this mod. It's the sandbox part that makes it enjoyable. You can choose any any character and any weapon you want and create your own adventure - or you just use it to break the rules of regular singleplayer missions. @@Dart Vader and @@Starlord101, I don't want to discourage you to suggest more characters. But you should be careful which character(s) you choose. Right now, it's too much, and only very few of them were actually made. Also, don't be disappointed if some characters will not be included.
  7. @@colonel-the-general That still doesn't sound convincing enough. We need more information than that. Do you have anything you could show us? Any screenshots? Any list of what you've done so far? To get modders to join you, you have to win them over, most ideally with evidences. Without any proof, there is little chance that anyone will participate.
  8. That looks great. Taking liberties at some areas for a more realistic feel is a perfect approach. Not everything has to exactly look like the original. Otherwise, you might as well just play the original game the map is based on.
  9. After many years, I've installed GtkRadiant again. In the early days of Jedi Academy, I did some mapping before (personal projects for fun), so it's not a new territory to me. Long story short, I have some questions about certain features and how to integrate them into a map. 1. How can I make a wall you can just walk through, like in the Jedi Outcast mission where you are chasing Desann? 2. What is the best way to properly light a map (placement of the lights and compiling)? It's just a basic map, so it doesn't need to be sophisticated. 3. How can I move a brush with force push (or use) and keep its position?
  10. https://jkhub.org/files/file/2043-nexu/ Actually, we have many non-humanoid creatures, but not all of them are here. However, most of them have been made to use as vehicles, not as individual NPCs. A small list of the creatures that have been made: - Nexu - Bantha - Dewback - Reek - Acklay I might be wrong, but think the reason why not everyone has tried to make more creatures is that they are difficult to animate.
  11. Take a look at maps that have lamps or similar lightsources (you could look inside the map files that come with Jedi Academy). Their brushes that represent the rays are shaped like cones and the textures look like this: So, I would say you should do it that way: - Create a cone (just like your image above, without a sharp tip). - Create a texture that goes from black to green, the same way as in the picture I've attached. - Apply the texture. The only thing I don't know is how to make the textures appear translucent.
  12. Thank you for fulfilling my request. It was actually surprising, because I've nearly forgotten about it until last week. But here they are now, on JKHub, available for everyone. And to everyone out there, have fun with these!
  13. Ah, back when games had actual manuals - printed on paper and (more or less) in color. It's interesting to see that they advertised a Jedi Academy hat. To be honest, this is the first time I'm seeing it. Did people actually buy it? Maybe it was one of those extras they attempted to sell, but nobody cared about. And there was also a strategy guide? To me, there was no strategy at all. All I did was mashing buttons and hoping that I would get through that mission.
  14. @lnigro94 Just some inspiration for how you could improve your map(s) in the future, once they're finished. When it comes to recreating or improving the visuals of a map, take an example of FakeFactory's Cinematic Mod for Half-Life 2, where every original map has been redone drastically. What I want to say is that sometimes, if you feel a map could need some extra detail, just do it. But first of all, you should definitely keep a backup of the "framework" that you can always go back to.
  15. http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Models/Vehicles/20639/
  16. Impressive. It does look as if it comes straight from Dark Forces II. Actually, making the maps basic (or very very basic) at first is good. It's like a framework, where you can add the details later. I think it's better to have "basic" versions of every Dark Forces II map than not having them at all.
  17. @ You should contact Psyk0sith or DT85 (or both) if you really want to do it. If you're lucky, maybe they can hand you the necessary files. And look out for experienced modders/coders that can help you with that. A project like this one is pretty ambitious and requires a lot of teamwork.
  18. Many years ago, I've rented Star Wars: Demolition for the PlayStation, which is nothing more than a tournament game. It was not that perfect, but somehow awesome and unique. You've got several vehicles to choose from, like the Landspeeder, AT-ST, Speederbike, a Snowspeeder and Boba Fett. Although this video shows the Dreamcast version, it's exactly the same as the PlayStation version. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Th9NrXNrAe8 I thought that this could be a good MP mode. We have many ground vehicles that could be used and modified to be similar to this game.
  19. Here it is: http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Outcast/Models/Star%20Wars/3800/ @@bigphil2695 Maybe you should check out this site http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/ to look out for certain models. If you can't find anything there, look on JKHub. And if you still can't find something, start a topic (but with more than just a large picture).
  20. Although I'm a loyal fan to PlayStation and Nintendo, I admire Microsoft for being gamer-friendly and actually providing backwards compatibility for a variety of older games. I mean, if you own a game already, why would you want to pay for it again? Sure, there are many reasons for that, but backwards compatibility is way more convenient.
  21. @@dark_apprentice pretty much said the same thing some years ago. And now he's known for providing pretty good stuff, especially kitbashes. The only way to really know if you have the skills is trying. Gimp is the best choice to get started. If the results are not satisfying, try again. Skills don't come out of nowhere, they require practice. So, take the first step and start small. You don't have to visit an art school for that. All you have to do is to open Gimp and fiddle around with all the brushes and features that program has to offer. And if you are doing that for about 5-10 minutes a day, that's enough. Also, there are lots of tutorials, here, on YouTube and everywhere around the internet. And if you need help, ask the JKHub members.
  22. If you have any models or skins that have been made specifically for Jedi Academy or Jedi Outcast, go ahead, contact the original creators and ask if you can upload them here on JKHub. But if you are talking about ported models: No, that's not possible on this site. Anyway, the only skin pack I know was made by Tyrael64, which contains Solid Snake, Meryl, Otacon, Liquid, Revolver Ocelot, Raven, Psycho Mantis and Sniper Wolf: http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Skins/Skin%20Packs/80018/ Another one was made by @@Plasma, which is a Snake skin pack: http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Skins/Skin%20Packs/91356/
  23. Looking at the picture, I see a great alternative to the Shadowtrooper. It's menacing and mysterious at the same time. It could be achieved through kitbashing. We already have the models available, so it shouldn't be that difficult to those who know how to do it. Also, the character reminds me of Gray Fox from Metal Gear Solid.
  24. 331 downloads

    Remember that loud and screeching alarm of the Doomgiver that appears once you've defeated Galak Fyarr? This tiny mod replaces that one with one of the Imperial alarms. It's that deep siren you hear in some scenes in Return of the Jedi, like the one where Darth Vader's shuttle arrives at the Death Star II. I tried to get the pacing of the alarm as close as possible to the film. I hope you enjoy this mod.
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