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Everything posted by Lancelot

  1. That came unexpected. Both models are looking great.
  2. @@ShenLong Kazama He was asking where you got the lightning effect from, and if you know where to download it. Probably as a mod? Quick answer for @: The force lightning effect was made with Photoshop, specifically for this picture. This means that you can't download it anywhere.
  3. @@RAILBACK If you are looking for lots of variation, the ultimate NPC mod for you would be KotF 2.1. Download it and see for yourself. https://jkhub.org/topic/10309-knights-of-the-force-is-reborn/ (and the official installation guide: https://jkhub.org/topic/10328-kotf-21-installation-guide-windows/)
  4. @@Jeff That's good to hear. Actually, I was inspired by a topic in the KotF 2.1 forum from last year, and some comments on the ModDB page. Some have pointed out that problem, and I thought "If you can't have proper battles with some bots on a certain map, what's the point?". I would list all the maps included in KotF 2.1 that have missing botroutes, but there are too many to pick every single one out. I could test and list them, but that may take a while. If you have some of the maps covered, maybe this could be something you could give the KotF 2.1 team? EDIT: Okay, here is a list of almost every map in KotF 2.1. It would have taken too long to test them, but I hope there are botroutes for at least some of these.
  5. Everybody knows this issue: You are loading a multiplayer map and just want to have a non-online match. You add a bot and suddenly, the bot jumps and jumps and jumps until... Yes, it's an old issue and yes, not everyone is using bots. But some out there do, and they really don't know how to get rid of that problem. All they want is to have a match with another character without having to be online. It's an annoying problem, and I hope there is a way to get rid of it. Is it even possible to change the animation from jumping to just walking or something?
  6. It does. Just type npc spawn praetorian_guard in the command prompt. If you want to play the guard, just use the playermodel praetorian_guard command.
  7. Thanks! It works. That was an issue that really bothered me. I'm so glad it's fixed.
  8. Speaking of 3PO, I think we need a new model of him. And for R2-D2.
  9. As the title says, there are no skyboxes appearing on the maps. Instead, the whole skybox is grey. I have loaded some maps on both Custom Game and the campaign, and the problem was on any of them. Apart from that, I found no severe problems.
  10. The eye for detail is just incredible. Simply fantastic. If you need some more inspiration, I have a simple suggestion: Initially, it was planned to give the Battle Droids a black and white color, just like the Stormtroopers. Maybe this could be added as a color variant.
  11. It seems that they have updated the mod and therefore needed to reupload it. This happens to every mod here. Once you submit your file for an update, it gets temporarily unavailable because it needs to get approved.
  12. Speaking of vehicles, I think they should be heavily optimized. During the days of the original KotF, although I spawned many vehicles, I really hated flying around in Singleplayer. If it would be possible to get them at least working just like in Multiplayer, that would be a huge improvement. Singleplayer was always like "You dare to bring a TIE-Fighter into my map? You must die!". And then, after activating the accelerator for a second, you're vehicle was the subject of a nice round of pinball.
  13. Here's a tip: - Look at the upper right corner. See the eye? Click on it. - The survey appears and is usable as it should be. - Finish the survey, or at least most of it. - Submit the survey and you're done.
  14. Don't expect that MGummelt will respond soon. The last time he was online was in August, and who knows if he has any time or interest at the moment to return here.
  15. @@ranhcase How did you try to get to the multiplayer maps in singleplayer mode? And besides, the map folder isn't mandatory to load maps, except you've made some yourself. The folder usually comes when you install GtkRadiant, as the editor comes with sample maps. Also, if you can't find the map folder if you need one, simply create a new one.
  16. Once you get their permission, you can upload it here. Just make sure to give credit to them. Also, I think there is a certain time you have to wait. If you don't get a response from them (after weeks or so), you are allowed to upload it.
  17. @@Circa, is it okay if he uploads it here? If I understood correctly, he tried to find the original author(s), but couldn't.
  18. You probably mean Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable. You can download the latest versions here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads And download the Microsoft .NET Framework, just in case: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=17851 Another tip if nothing works: Do you have Steam? If yes, you can get Blender there. It's free of charge, as usual.
  19. By comparison, the amount of Anakin versions we have exceeds the amount of any model ever made. That includes models, reskins and kitbashes. We have so many Anakin versions, they could all reenact the entire Battle of Geonosis.
  20. I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. It reminded me of this scene. Seriously, this is a great thing that somebody was able to find a patch that was considered lost. Maybe this could be something for the JKHub file section. You could ask Circa if you can upload the file here.
  21. Tested the patch. It works. Is this a fan-made patch? If so, it would be cool to find the ones who made it and ask if they would like to join in. Anyway, this may be helpful in some way. The question now is, how can we incorporate the language into the mod? @@Linken @@eezstreet Now, everybody might ask "Why does Lancelot even bother to help get these languages in this mod?". The answer: To give everyone the chance to experience this mod in their own language. Not everyone might speak or write English very good, and it's a difference if you play a mod in English or in your own language. Also, I found this tool called Font Builder, which was modified to be compatible with Jedi Outcast. But it should work for Jedi Academy as well. https://jk2.info/viewtopic.php?t=442
  22. It's actually super easy. All you need is Notepad++ to edit the text files, nothing else. And once you've done, you can send it to the KotF 2.1 team. Not to me, as I only started the topic to ask who would like to translate. Interestingly, the Korean alphabet is found in the game files (at least as tga-files), but there is no font for that. @@eezstreet In the font folder, there are these additional languages: - Japanese (just tga; no font file) - Korean (just tga; no font file) - Chinese (just tga; no font file) - Tai (just tga; no font file) - Thai (just tga; no font file) - Russian (tga and font file) - Polish (tga and font file) My question: Is there any way to make them accessible (in other words, compatible with the game)? Because you can't select them in the game, there are only four languages.
  23. I think you don't even have to port it. Reskinning would do the job either. 1. Take the simplest model from Jedi Academy. 2. Make a texture that resembles the one above. Add a shader if necessary. 3. Set the model details of Jedi Academy to the lowest setting and you get a Superhot playermodel.
  24. Actually, it would be interesting to have translations from Asia, such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean. The only problem might be to integrate the Chinese/Japanese/Korean typefaces to the game. Is that even possible? @@syainkn, are you interested in translating this mod? Or do you know someone who might be interested?
  25. Just call it artistic freedom, something @@ShenLong Kazama frequently uses in his works. This could have taken place before the events of Rogue One, where Thrawn happened to be present.
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