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Everything posted by Lancelot

  1. If the model would be somewhere available to download, it would be possible to modify it. But as this is just an image, there is no way to edit or "finish" it. The only one who could do that is the creator of the model. And here's the thing: I found this image on the ZBrushCentral forum - in a topic from 10 years ago! Since then, no more images have been posted. I doubt that the author can be contacted easily. And who knows if he still has that model. However, it is possible to use the image as a reference image for either a kitbash or an original model.
  2. Just take the Kotf folder and put it into GameData folder.
  3. As macabre as it sounds, there may be some truth behind that. Not that something serious has happened to him, but I assume that he simply prefered his personal life over modding. And as a recent example in another topic shows, it's important to choose personal life over anything. Personally, I don't see people here as "content makers" that work 24/7 on a project. We're not talking about machines after all. Many aren't aware that actual people are behind those projects. Whatever happened to Liam, I hope he's alive and well, facing the ups and downs we all have in our lives. And if he feels the need to return to the community, then so be it.
  4. The last reply is from almost two years ago and the creator was last online in September 2017. Don't expect any response from the creator, at least not soon.
  5. @@DarthValeria As I can see that you were using a custom map, and that the walking animation is not the standard one from Jedi Academy, I assume that you have at least one mod located in the base folder. Just list all the custom pk3s that are in your base folder, no matter how unimportant you think they may be.
  6. What have you done before the problem occured? If you have modified anything, give us a detailed explanation what you did.
  7. Two bumps in a single day? Don't be silly. Anyway, as it seems that nobody is interested to do it, there are three possibilities: 1. Reskin an existing character. 2. Learn to kitbash that character in Blender. 3. Try to contact the creator of the Sketchfab model and ask if you can use it. If the creator refuses, respect that. But if you are allowed to use it, ask someone if they can port it for you. Asking doesn't hurt.
  8. @@The Royal We You can do it without any mapping skills. All you need to do is finding the texture you want to change, open it in any image editing software (like GIMP) and edit it. From which level do you want to alter the texture? Is it a custom map or a map from the game?
  9. That's a good idea actually. Sound mods have become rare, so pretty much everything related to that is welcomed here. Consider uploading the mod on this site, which you can do here: https://jkhub.org/index.php?app=downloads&module=post&section=submit&c=
  10. @@Daedra The method you are looking for is "cell shading". There is a tutorial for that: https://jkhub.org/topic/10020-guide-to-cell-shading-in-jka/ Although the tutorial was made for 3DS Max 8, according to the author, it should also work with any program that uses similar functions. That means that you could do it with Blender as well. Just have a look at it and see what you can do.
  11. @@gizmo94 If I understand correctly, you've managed to open the file in the notepad, but not in Notepad++? Actually, this is not a problem at all. If you can open and edit the file with the regular notepad, then you did it. All you have to do is create a new pk3 file and add the ext_data folder that contains your edited files.
  12. Wait, that might be the solution for everyone having issues starting this mod. @@Linken @@Fire Phoenix, did you ever specify that Microsoft Visual C++ is required for this mod to run? If not, you could add something to the launcher to remind anyone it has to be installed. To go a little bit off-topic, I have an idea: If possible, add a pop-up message where the user can choose if he wants to read an installation tutorial. And in that tutorial, you could mention that Microsoft Visual C++ has to be installed. And for a more foolproof experience, add a link that leads to the required version. Another idea: Make the launcher detect if the .dll is in the folder. If not, a message should appear that clearly explains what is needed and where to get it. That way, users get all the information they need.
  13. Guys, @@scp_chaos1's mod is stuck in development hell and needs some help. Here's the mod's page: https://www.moddb.com/mods/scp-chaos-ops For anyone wondering, SCP Chaos Ops is the name of the mod. The list of things he needs for his mod are not long at all, as he has already done some content (models and maps). However, he still needs more playermodels in order to continue development, and he's waiting for months for someone to help him. He would gladly appreciate any help to bring this mod further. Anyone who is interested can either reply here or contact @@scp_chaos1 through personal message. Synopsis (source: ModDB): @@Jeff @@Langerd @@The Punisher is there anything you can help with? Or do you at least know someone who can?
  14. @@gizmo94 Wait, you asked for a method to only edit the health of certain NPCs, right? Actually, it can be done very easily without using the NPCTool. Just extract the ext_data folder from a pk3 in the KotF folder. Once the folder is extracted, selected and go to the folder called npcs. Then select the NPC file you want and open it, either with the Editor or with Notepad++. You should see text that looks like this: BespinCop{playerModel bespin_copweapon WP_BLASTER_PISTOLhealth 40reactions 3aim 1move 3aggression 3evasion 1intelligence 5rank crewmanplayerTeam TEAM_PLAYERenemyTeam TEAM_ENEMYwalkSpeed 55runSpeed 200yawspeed 120dismemberProbHead 0dismemberProbArms 10dismemberProbLegs 0dismemberProbHands 20dismemberProbWaist 0// race bespincopclass CLASS_BESPIN_COPsnd bespincop1sndcombat bespincop1sndextra bespincop1} Just edit the value that I marked red and add any number you like. It works with any NPC file, even the KotF ones. For opening pk3 files and extracting folders from it, use 7zip: https://www.7-zip.org/ For editing the NPC files, use Notepad++ or, as mentioned, the Editor from Windows: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/v7.6.2.html
  15. It doesn't have to be in the Kotf folder. Just put the NPCTool folder in any place you want, like the desktop.
  16. Keep in mind that your map is not entirely lost. Better that way than having to redo the entire map.
  17. @@Sidios There is a way to decompile maps, yes. While it might be easy to do, messed-up textures and missing scripts/paths are unavoidable. https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Q3Map2#Decompiling_into_a_.map The process is usually frowned upon, as it can be used to illegaly take something from other maps. But because you did the map on your own, you are free to decompile it.
  18. A combination of any Mace Windu head and Kyle Katarn's body from Dark Forces II should do. We have both characters on JKHub, so it shouldn't be a problem to kitbash this one. Kyle: https://jkhub.org/files/file/799-dark-forces-ii-kyle/ or https://jkhub.org/files/file/804-dark-forces-ii-skin-pack/ Mace Windu: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3154-mace-windu/ or https://jkhub.org/files/file/1709-spankis-mace-windu/
  19. @@ByRoT Go to this page and look at the 'Solutions & Issues' section: http://www.wsgf.org/dr/star-wars-jedi-knight-jedi-academy Maybe there is something that you've missed out.
  20. Because it takes time to create a new model. A picture is not enough, it's not that the model magically creates itself just by knowing what it looks like. By the time the model is finished, the team could add several more characters to the mod. It's more convenient to add models that have been already made than creating them from scratch. Anything else would just slow down the mod's progress. Maybe you should try the normal request section: https://jkhub.org/forum/12-mod-requests-suggestions/ If somebody picks up your request, you can suggest the character when it's done.
  21. Use Blender. It's free and has pretty much anything you need to create models. However, I'm not sure if it can be used to convert the models to Jedi Academy, but it's a good software to get into modeling. There are also lots of tutorials on YouTube that can help you.
  22. @@Lord Of Hate You know what? This could be the perfect model to start modeling yourself. Start with the ruler first, as it's really not complicated. Once you get the hang of it, move on to the character model. There are tons of tutorials that can help you. And if you still need help, ask some of the modelers here. By the time somebody ports it, you have the model already made from scratch. Plus, you can upload it here on JKHub for everyone to download.
  23. @@Demiurge A model/reskin based on him has already been made years ago: https://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Skins/Others/104439/ It might not be perfect, but if you really want him in the game, you can use this model until somebody ports the one you've posted.
  24. Okay, here's another question. It's not for me, but for @@Lwkill, who did this Dagobah map recently: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3517-duel-dagobah-xwing-landing/ If you take a look at the screenshots, you can see that he added fog to the map. The problem: The X-Wing is affected from the fog shader as well. My question is: Is there a way to isolate the fog from certain objects, so they don't look like as if they are part of it?
  25. There must be a way to isolate the fog. Maybe you should ask one of the mappers here.
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